
How to Navigate around Your Adult Child's Romances and sex lifes!

While generation X or Y,  millennials probably post details of their love life on Instagram and Snapchat, chances are their parents might not see it or hear about it. I know a family in which two adult children informally instituted the "three-month rule": Don't tell mom or dad  about a new relationship until after that time because they will ask too many questions. After three months, a relationship has real chance at long-term potential. Or maybe NOT!

How are we going to do this ? 
You still live at home with your folks, and so do I!

Regardless of when millennials decide to reveal their romances to their parents, you can trust and believe that the rules of dating have changed over the last decade. As with every aspect of their lives, millennials go online to find potential partners, whether for one night or for short term and maybe life. A new Pew survey found that almost one-third of young people have used an online dating app. Sometimes even adult kids are reluctant to tell their parents that they met a significant other online. But as one argument goes, how is that any better or worse than meeting in a bar or at work?
However, the day eventually dawns when you'll meet the boyfriend or girlfriend or whatever you  call your romantic interest. And when it does, take your new relationship slowly.
Don't jump in with two feet, especially because you don't know if the relationship is going to work out, Even adult children often feel the need to please their parents, and if they are overly enthusiastic about the new friend, the child may sometimes stay in a relationship that's not working so well just  not to disappoint their parents who grew to like the boyfriend or girlfriend .

a Parent's casual inquiry. Ask your child how he or she met the new partner as well as other nonjudgmental, open-ended questions. Tell them: Remember this is not an interrogation. you are just trying to get a feel for who this new person is and why your child likes them.
Online match? If you're horrified that they met on a dating app, let it go. That's the way dating happens today. It's very different from previous generations.
Where to meet the couple. You want to make it casual, so pick a neutral place such as a restaurant, which puts a beginning and end on the meeting. An hour and be done. You can gradually work your way into longer periods.
 It shows big time when her dad approves of the new boyfriend 
Who pays? LOL...Parents should pay. That's your role. If the boyfriend or girlfriend objects, say, Let me pay this time, and you can pay next.
More casual inquiry. Ask questions intermixed with casual conversation. Don't get into family history and other personal issues. Stay with neutral topics about work and hobbies. "You might check with your child beforehand to ask if there's anything you should stay away from, something that would make an awkward conversation."
Disapproval. If you take an immediate dislike, say nothing. "First, you don't know if this relationship is going anywhere, and saying something is not going to have any impact anyway."
If it lasts despite disapproval? Your child picked this person for a reason. What is it that he or she likes so much? Find some positive things about the person and build on that. The bottom line: You need to create some relationship with the person your child likes or may even love."

Stop we can't get carried away.... this is my parents home!
Are you an adult who’s living with Mom and Dad again? That doesn’t mean you can’t have a social life. Here are the  things your should be thinking about and  rules to this new game. 

“My Mom Won’t Let My Boyfriend Sleep Over!”
OK, so go to a hotel for the nights when you want to get busy. 
“Living at Home Has Killed the Romance”
You moved back in with your parents it's their house remember... that.  
“Mom, I appreciate your interest, but please stop asking so many questions…” 
You are in your mom's house.... she has all the rights to ask whatever she wants.
“My Parents Are Too Nosy!”
Their home means....just that.....everything that happens in the parents home is their business.  
“Girls Think I’m a Loser Because I Live at Home”
Just explain to the girls, if they counts, that you are helping your parents out with their expenses. 
And.... that is just good economics to save as much money for when the both of you get your own place together. 

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