
If you want it to be Right you have to do the Right things to make it Right!

Startup relationships are a lot of  hard work, especially if you think you’ve found the right person ( the vibes are right).  Sometimes it’s blatantly obvious when the two of you aren’t meant to be, other times it feels right, but you’re just not sure.  I guess it all really comes down to what you’re looking for in a partner.
But there are also certain things that indicate you’ve found a healthy and happy relationship, regardless of what you think you’re looking for.
Our hugs lift me off my feet ,
 and give me that secure feeling! 

A little BAD perspective: The thoughts that  flood your brain when you start a new relationship are like the information super- highway . these thoughts are like major traffic on the  6 lane highway..... you start wondering if you should get off at the next exit, or stay in the middle lane and flow with it. You may think, from time to time,  that you should get over into  the express lane...... but if you do you will not be able to exit at the next junction. This is were overthinking becomes a problem also. because all of your new journeys  are differ from any  you've  had in the your past. Enjoy the new experiences and leave the doubts, based on old journey, in the rear view mirror.    

There’s a lack of games being played by both people
Because love makes us act and think in rather dumb ways sometimes, we oftentimes get caught up turning seemingly mundane activities into games to be won.  Who says ‘I love you’ first?  Who texts the other one first or more often?  Making the other person jealous because you feel slighted.  The list goes on.
If your relationship is void of any game playing then it’s a good sign that you’re with the right person.

Things are so much better 
now that we've stopped playing games!
A little BAD perspective: before you act, you often have a preview action-series in your mind and see how it feels if  game playing goes wrong.  Many folks repeat previous actions.. that didn't turn out well in the past... but they hit the repeat button automatically and revert to doing things that are just bad , what can end  badly just because you are testing the person to see how much you can get away with. Seeking reassurance for what you are hoping for.... One  should never use negative  test elements, to figure out if the relationship will stay positive....and  last.

You’re both on the same page

You have Smooth dance modes,
we just flow well together!
Sometimes relationships start out as casual affairs, dating here and there, but never an official thing.  If both people want a casual relationship, then it should be agreed upon....  that’s what is going to happen.  Otherwise, things can get messy very fast.  Always be straightforward and clear with your partner as to what it is that you want from the relationship.

A little BAD perspective: this can be  the most difficult part  where attractions, and chemistry are the most over rate  elements in relationships these days. Simply because we are in  the Information age.. too much information is as BAD as too little info. Both of you need to read the same pages, and talk about what you have read .. discuss what you and you new love interest interpreted what you both feel can  be  happening. Your brain and the other person's brain are not the same... so don't assume that the both of you are seeing  things the same way!

You communicate with each other honestly and openly

One of the greatest things a couple can understand is that the other person will never be able to read your mind, so unless you communicate with them how you’re feeling or what you’re thinking, nothing will get done.

miscommunication can cause us
more hurt than almost anything else.
When you trust each other, communication comes easy.

A little BAD perspective: we often hear people say "trust is earned......" I say "trust but verify..." by verifying you are seeking clarity and therefore you can determine for yourselves if what you are verifying is what you started out questioning  from the very beginning, you can pivot at that point . If it not a problem or is a problem them you at least know that your instincts are right or wrong.  

You can balance freedom and teamwork

When both of you feel free while also being together, it is a good sign that you’re in the right relationship.  Feeling trapped in a relationship means the relationship doesn’t truly exist.

If the two of you can work together, by meeting halfway, you will achieve more than you could by yourself.  Be willing to adjust for one another when the situation calls for it.
If I didn't have this experience with you
I would not have seen us together for the long term. 

A little BAD perspective: Once you have been a team playing you develop team-player  skills, where your and your new lover's strengths are combined to accomplish what you both will benefit from. Next time you see Birds flying in a formation. think about the lead bird. who is out in front. but when that bird get's tired another bird takes the lead. As they switch roles they each are given the opportunity to lead while the other rest by flying a vacuum ..... when tired.  You don't always have to be the superstar. You can be a great support player from time to time , you both are  capable of  taking over the lead and finish things together.... 

You don’t let others influence your relationship
OK let's toast to.... no more outside interference
into our Three way relationship! 
For whatever reasons, some people will find a problem with your relationship.  Sometimes they simply don’t make sense to people who are on the outside of it.  So, you’re occasionally going to run into some resistance, but never let anyone outside of your relationship ruin the relationship.
If you’re having problems with a partner, work it out with them, and only them.  Don’t worry what others think as long as the two of you are happy.

A little BAD perspective: Outsiders need to stay in their place "outside". There is good reason they are on the outside looking in. Keep them there. as soon as you let them in  they cause  havoc.. you don't want that..... play it safe. and keep the door closed there is only enough room for you and yours in your one VS one relationship. 

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