
Signs You're Really Not Feeling Him, As Much As You Thought You Would

Your Time Together Is Irritating
Ladies....You finally decide to give him a call because you were lonely and desired companionship. After the first 30 minutes, you immediately realize that you don’t like the way he chews his food, gulps his drinks or talks with food in his mouth. You’re thinking, “there is no way I could ever be with him for the long haul.” Okay, then don’t be with Him!
You are so disgusting I can't believe I even
decided to see you again.

In my BAD view: when a woman falls for that old false  adage "opposites attracts nonsense"  she puts herself in these situations where she has to struggle to find the things that she likes about a guy, who in all (not a few) instants irritate her.  Well we  all have our  own signature moves that can be considered  a K.I.S.S. off when  you are  the one that is not feeling someone..... irritations do not work...  folks. 

You Keep Checking The Time
OK so what  did you 
like about me...really?!
You tried to engage in intellectual conversation or find some similarities in things you both like to do, but it’s just not working. Now you are finding yourself thinking about everything else you have to do at the office or the piled up laundry at home instead of being in the moment with him. Big Problem!

In my BAD view: OK Women are not natural hunters, well most females  are not except for a lioness,.... . So having the skills to go after what she wants is a test to check the vibes of  "prove it to me that I should give you the time of day," When "Mr. looks-like-he-fits-the -part" steps to her... she thinks: "OK, this could be a good fit..." after all she was the one being chosen instead of her BFF(s).  This is just a lot of B.S...... when you are looking for romance first, you are walking down the  path to a big lie  before you even know his last name. 

You’d Rather Be Out With Your Friends
Here comes my superman!
You’ve chosen your friends once again! We always encourage each member of a relationship to have their own hobbies and their own life because it just makes your time together much stronger and more interesting. But, if every single time there’s a choice to spend time with him or your friends and family you choose them over him, let’s face it: You’re just not that into him.

In my BAD view: Well  this is not so strange.. to us guys, because very often guys would rather hang with our boyz, watching the NBA finals, and the super bowl  or the World cup,  instead of being with their woman. So you are not alone.... ! To be honest, the term ball and chain... is not meant to a compliment for either women or men. Figure it out, by asking yourself the right questions. do you rather be with some else --- anyone else..... then you two should not be together. Period!  

You're Only Physically Attracted To Him
Yeah, he has amazing abs but what else? 
He’s tall, dark and handsome. He’s everything you’ve imagined in the man of your dreams until he opens his mouth. Lately you realize at that moment, you can’t do anything with him. So what do you do? Continue on day after day or cut it off now? Option two!

In my BAD view: OK Let me repeat....  Women are not natural hunters! So having the skill to go after what she wants is matter of testing  the vibes of please remind me why you are the one I want or/and need, once again this is a huge  problem!! When Mr. "looks like he could fit the part" steps to her she thinks: "OK, this could be the right  man...or he will do for now" after all she was the one being chosen instead of any other woman in the place).  This is just some more nonsense...... when you are looking for a hookup  first, you are walking down the  path to  potential disaster  before you even know his full name. You have some commercial soap.... ideas of what you want in a man. View the new TV  series Couples... Filmed in Anguilla BWI. this give you a very good Idea of how men can fly in and select 2 women and then narrow his selection down to one. while women interview a  man and decide if they will allow themselves to be considered to compete against other women to be selected then in the final round be the one he chooses. 

You Don’t See Him In Your Future
Things were going well until he started talking about the two of you making plans for the future and suddenly the hairs on your neck start to curl and you get that uncomfortable feeling in your gut trying to think of how you can squirm your way out of the conversation politely. Yeah, he’s not The One!

In my BAD view: I feel like  I'm back to my Muttley the snickering dog...cartoon days again <snickering> . how can anyone see themselves in someone's future before you get to know each other and really talk. Once again. Men see women and think I love(really just like)  her face,her smile,  her body and I'll settle for her mind.. if she has one.... that can just be an added value. Now women are doing the same aesthetics nonsense. so she likes how he looked but he doesn't have the future plans she likes???  So she  settles for  "Mr.  not acceptable."     . 

You Don’t Always Feel Like Taking His Calls
When you see that he’s calling you, if you have to take those few extra seconds to think, “Should I answer this?” or “I wonder what he wants” then you might as well send him to voicemail because he’s not keeping you happy. When he’s “The One,” you’ll see his number, immediately smile, and always pick up when you can.

In my BAD view: these are  kids playing hide and go seek.  If talking to someone is a drudgery then communication is just not working. His voice is not making your pulse react in a good way. You heart does not skip a beat in  a good ways... You are just wasting time with someone that you are not going to make a permanent connection with.  

You Keep Him Away From Friends and Family
OMG! Here come my friends, let me walk away from him
so I don't have to introduce him to anyone. 
It’s often pretty easy to invite someone you’re seeing around casual friends or even coworkers.  But the deciding factor is when you find yourself making disclaimers on his behalf before he arrives saying things like “ he’s no looker” or “we are really just friends.” That’s the opposite of a good sign

In my BAD view:This  is a dead give away... She is  not proud to be with him, She has disclaimers ready at every turn and junction. He is not the ONE.  And guess what if he had any sense he would also think she is not worth his time....SHE is NOT the One either!

You Avoid Calling Him Your ‘Man’
He’s constantly introducing you as his lady or girlfriend but the thought of returning the favor makes you uneasy. If the butterflies aren’t there, maybe he shouldn’t be either.....

In my BAD view: This is not the movies where you wait for the man to declare that you are his LADY and then you decide OK but you are "not my ideal Dream Man!" and continue to be in an embarrassing relationship with him. 

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