
Cheaters are skunks...they can't pass the smell test.....

Ask someone what is something which can be extremely pleasurable sometimes and extremely excruciating some other times and we reckon apart from drugs, it can be relationships. Relationships are hard and complicated. It involves two human beings with varying degree of complexity and thoughts to commit to eachother at the expense of some individual sacrifices. 
You smell like her, stay away from me!
You are a cheater, no need in you denying it...
Because of the complex nature of them, relationships can be sometimes painful to be in. There's always the odd fight which looms around, the sexual tensions which never gets released and the odd tantrums. But perhaps the relationship reaches its breaking point when either you or your partner resorts to infidelity/cheating to find an escape. The revelation that you're being cheated on comes across as shocking and can emotionally cripple you. 
Not anymore, a recent scientific study indicates one major warning point regarding whether to expect your partner would cheat on you or not and cheaters would definitely not like it. (I will have to read up on it some more before Posting it in a future blog)
There often comes a situation in a relationship where a partner feels like he/she is being cheated out of their happiness. Cheating these days is more common than it should be.  Problem is its not just sex, the cheater takes away the secure feeling their partner has and REPLACES it with Doubt, Fair, Insecurity, and Unhappiness and even Depression.
Why do people cheat?
He is so in lust
 he didn't even notice me sitting here

There are many reasons why one would resort to cheating in a relationship. One of the reasons is the toxicity of the relationship or it could be pure lust.  Clear and simple, its being  inconsiderate to your partner! 

I'm Sorry, you were always working
I needed some attention
and he gave it to me!

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