
We were NOT made ready!

I decised to give a little insight about why----- even strong men may choose to not deal with strong women.....even though we may prefer them over weaker women.

A woman becomes stronger by enduring pain, making sacrifices, overcoming heart-breaking experiences, having struggles and being selfless. For more read this link ehttp://sxmperspective.blogspot.com/2017/10/s-ome-dont-understand-so-i-hope-im.html?m=1

Ladies no question that your trials and tribulations have strengthen you....
But we guys want to still be that knight you often  claim you want... No dragons to slay   but still like some heavy lifting now and then... Which  makes us feel like the trips to the gym 3xtimes a week has done some good......

1.A strong woman doesn’t need a man to fight for her

The truth of the matter....is men strong or not like to prove that we  can handle adversity... If she does not need a man to handle the things he knows he can handle.. Then this instantly trigger a shut down. Engine failure. Restart button deactivated!

2.A strong woman knows what she wants

This is where a guy might say "stop and  wait a minute, you know what you want... But is that what you really want ....is it really right for you? He may not have the right on the spot answers, because its your mind which is  made up . so then  what you want .....then this is the only choice. Your stubbornness will make him bailout at 14,000 feet parachute and all...hmmmm Fooled you...... he was not killing himself.

3.She will require honesty and vulnerability

Yeah men need to be honest and forth coming no argument there
--- but vulnerable is a tall order.. Dont ask too much  of that until he is ready......men dont like being told to be vulnerable... Remember most men grewup hearing real men dont cry..( vulnerable falls in that category in our minds). I'm sure you prefer us in that, not to vulnerable, way...also.

4.A strong woman is not afraid of intimacy.

Here we go , men are not afraid of intimacy, we just interpret it differently  than you strong women do. Now weaker women understand it the way most  men do----  this  is why weaker women can call a man over an he knows that she knows what he wants and so this is why he does not mind  jumping in the car and rolling to the spot.

5.A strong woman can see through lies.

Yeah this is why the best prosecutors are women...
They can see it in your eyes.. In your body language in  your avoidious of answering the tough questions... Now ask yourself Ms. Strong woman would you like to be always in the hot seat

6.A strong woman wants integrity and consistency

Men these day have gotten a bad rap because of celebrities doing wrong things.... Boys are inconsiderate and treat girls like throw away disposable. Items. Etc....
Real men, now have to keep cleaning up their mess.. Thank God for Barack Obama, who showed women that a man can be what she dreamed of.... There are more out there like him...but we are not clones...

7.A strong woman is intense

Intense can be a very good thing... That means she is focussed... Men hate flighty women who cant decide on much... Exept strong women can give you hell if you take too long to make the deal. Yeah that intencity can back fire on you also... Causing the deal to get voided.

8.A strong woman will not wait for you

Point taken... But she expects a real man to wait for her.. To finish her list of to does...career goals and what ever else. Ok I have to be  fare here women in the past were force to wait because of the way things were....so now that things have changed. For women....you can call the shots... Just aim......Corectly.

9.A strong woman will love you unconditionally

Here again is one of those words that make real men pause... What does unconditionally really mean? now since I wrote both blogs let me tell you what I think is unconditional. Love....a women loves her child from birth  uncondionally, but her man is on a short leash and willl find himself hanging if he tries to,lengthen that leash. Dont stretch it till it snaps. Because it cant be mended. Once Broken beyond repair... I hope you see. What Im saying here.

10.A strong woman will show you who you are.

Damn... SMDH I did my best to. COVER-up my flaws and play  down the vulnerable stuff...and  now you are pulling the bandaid off .... I dont think, I was ready...yet.
Thats right "He was not ready" in a Kevin Hart voice.

Barry Paul Price writes, “Dating a strong woman is not something every guy can handle. He has to be confident in himself as a person, and as a man. Men must feel capable of meeting a woman’s needs.

True, true to the above...here is the real explanation... Things changed from previous generations without warning....... our coaches were our dads, uncles, grand fathers...school teachers spots coaches etc They could not handle todays women either so how do we" Real men" of tiday  adjust on the fly...without any training..."strong women. Of today" need to help with the training. If you want some examples on how to train us to be more like Barack ask Mrs Michelle Obama!

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