
Who am I to disagree with her!

The former First Lady, of the USA, has a way with words that rivals that of her husband. Here are 6 of her best quotes about the standards that we need to hold ourselves to in order to be the best version of ourselves that we can be.

1. There are no easy ways out if you desire true success.
What is true success, really? Isn't it the journey you travel that can be classified as a successfull voyage towards  your dreams/destiny?

2. Keep your eyes on the prize
If I'm not mistaken prizes are for those who play games to win... If you are striving for what you want the prize is rewarded in Segment during your quest......

3. Surround yourself with honest, loving friends!
Not even Jesus had honest, loving friends... He knew he could have picked the friends who would be honest, totally loving and loyal, but he choose the ones he knew would do exactly what they did, Peter dennied knowing him multiple times, Judas betrayed him.... They all came with character flaws... So will your friends. Therefore "Trust but verify!"

4. The only person looking out for your best interests is YOU.
That is a fact Jack and Jill.. You can't  expect others to totally have your best interest at heart unless they see what's in it for them... Then they will hitch a ride on your wagon and join your sing along band of merry folks,
 singing to your tune... In your key.. watch out for the one who will sing the loudest..

5. What kind of impact can you make on the people around you?
The best impact you can have on others is to "try to be the best you" ---- it will influence others. Those who see you as a good and caring person might emulated you.. While others might try and take advantage of YOU and your Good nature. You will win over some and will have to shun others.

6. Life is not about meeting others standards.
All standards were set by someeone, be it your parents, or the gang that recruited you....  To be the one that sets totally unique standard for ones-self, you would have be living on an  Island as as the only inhabitant, cut off from outside influences and be totally original in all that is you...

Now maybe Mrs Obama had given these quote in speeches where they had an impact on Folks who needed to hear then.....to get some direction... So Im not disagreeing... Im just applying my B.A.D. logical and critical thinking responses.

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