
OK so Delta is not so great, in this lady''s view!

  1. Every now and then one of my readers would send me their thought on my blog post. The following is on Delta force at your service post... I must admit I liked being corrected just a little.
  2. Response from a female reader:
  3. Your definitions are a little off in some cases, and way off in others. You’re right about the alpha having superior genes for physical strength and attractiveness, but a male with those qualities would have to also possess at least average intelligence otherwise he’d just be a dumb jock beta. Betas are the yes-men suck-ups of the world, the ones who glad-hand themselves up the social ladder, and they are by far the most common type. In fact, the whole obsession the so-called ‘manosphere’ has over alpha male traits is driven by beta insecurity. Any time you see a bunch of guys talking about what it means to be an alpha, those guys are all betas. They’re actually a sub-type of Beta I call the Cargo-Cult-Alphas; they ape the behavior they think makes an Alpha an Alpha, but since they’re just Betas they come off as total misogynist jerks and social bullies when they try to behave the way they think an Alpha should. The omega is the outcast, he can be in an immature state of arrested development as you noted, but that’s just as likely to be a trait of the beta as it is the omega. The omega is a total loser in life, lives in his parents basement not because he hasn’t grown up, but because he is incapable of succeeding in life. He is often very narcissistic which is a quality that is obviously only attractive in the alpha. Omegas must think highly of themselves to protect their ego from the psychologically devastating realization that they are, in reality, profoundly inferior. The Delta is an interesting concept, and I’d contend, that if it exists as a seperate catagory it consists of betas who are not very good at (or complete failures) being a Beta. These would be guys who possess all the qualities required to be successful betas, but they’re either not very good at sucking up to their superiors, or they resent having to suck up. So they’re always being passed up for promotion, even though they’re often the most capable person in the company. They tend to have above-average intelligence and are not outcasts because they have skills that are in demand. They’re often the ones tasked with having to do all the ‘real work’ while the more successful betas around them have managed to suck-up enough to their superiors to not have to do much work (because when you’re promoted, you make the people under you do the work). Deltas are, naturally, chronically frustrated with life. Then there’s the Gamma, he’s got all the traits required to be an Alpha, but he despises all the Betas who are constantly sucking up to him, so rather than becoming a lawyer, like every self-respecting Alpha does, the Gamma drops out and becomes one of those perfect physical specimens who lives on the beach and does nothing.
  4. So I will have to do a post on Gamma males next....because some females out there are wondering  if their dead beat baby daddies are Gamma males!?? Or are these gamma guys just misunderstood beta  guys who are searching for their purpose in life.

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