
The Brutally honest truth ....part One.

There is a REAL difference between loving someone and being in love with someone. Let's not be fooled there is a difference.

Love is a beautiful and wonderful feeling.  It can be the most indescribable and deep emotion that anyone can feel. Despite everyone being able to feel this emotion, there are many that cannot tell the difference between ‘loving someone’ and ‘being in love with someone.’

It’s very common to believe that they are both the same, the passion may feel the same, but what is different is the intentions. So if you are searching for that warm, bubbly feeling, you need to recognize the difference between the two.

With that said, below are some examples that illustrate the difference between loving someone and being in love with them.

You ChOOSE to Love Someone, Being In Love Isn’t A Choice: You have all the power when it comes to loving someone. You make a decision based on their personality and you choose to trust their abilities and morals. If things do not work out, then you also have the power to stop loving them and release them from your life. The same cannot be said if you fall in love with someone. It can happen at any time, there will be no warning, and it’s something you cannot walk away from. Even if you manage to walk away, that feeling will stick with you forever, that is how you know that you’re in love with the person.

Love Means Wanting the Best relationship, being In Love means putting them First: When you love someone, you will always want the best for them. But does this mean that you are willing to make sacrifices to help them reach their goals? If you are in love with someone, that question doesn’t even cross your mind because you would never have any doubts about it. You would put the person first and do everything in your power to make sure they succeed. But it can also relate to making the person’s life easier. You will do things that would take some stress off the person, like taking more shifts walking the dog (5 miles) or cooking dinner more often.i.e. men in love cook for you. But a man who just love you expect you to cook for 99% of the time.

Love Can End (it often does), Being In Love Cannot because it is unconditional : plain old everyday Love  ( is conditional) does not last forever and can end at any moment. According to statistics, almost 50 percent of married couples in the United States end up divorcing each other at some point. That just proves my point that love on its own can end. Once the honeymoon phase in a relationship is over, that is when things get tough.i.e the conditions start changing  Arguments ensue, differences begin to rise, but if the couple is in love with each other, they will get past these differences. The reason is that you cannot picture a life without each other.

Loving A Person Means almost Always Needing Them, Being In Love Means Having A Balance: Always wanting someone around isn’t a B.A.D. thing, it just means you love them and enjoy their company. But when you are in love with someone, you would like to have them around as much as possible, but you do realize that there needs to be a happy balance between you and their personal time. You want them to be happy, so you understand that the balance is necessary. Whether it is giving them time to enjoy their hobbies, or even go out with friends (and not feel insecure about them being away from you), you know at the end of the day they are coming home to you, and that translates to being in love. No matter the language!

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