
This is the season to be jolly and frisky!

I'm going to get ripped, and lucky.
Sex Is Different When You're Drunk Or High, for men and women.

You've probably experienced it at least once in your life, one glass too many and you are ready to get your freak on.

Sex can be very different when you're drunk or high. You probably know this already, which is why you must have leaned on liquid courage or a substance of your choosing to calm your nerves at a party. According to studies, people tend to feel sexier when they're drunk or high and end up taking this sexy version of themselves to bed as well.

Studies conducted by New York University and Johns Hopkins University delved deep into how sex is affected when one has copious amounts of alcohol or weed in their system and the results are stunning: Those who smoke weed tend to have longer and more sex while those on alcohol are adventurous in bed. The studies also noted that sex is impacted by substances and in several different ways. Here's how:

1. Alcohol makes you more agressive in bed

A participant said that men tend to be more domineering than they usually are after a few drinks. However, this behaviour changes if they've smoked weed. Women found this to be the main difference in their male partners. The participant said, "When there's drinking involved, guys seem to get more belligerent and crazy, and get this weird aggressive energy."

2. Women feel adventurous while men feel bold on alcohol

This is the main difference between men and women with alcohol in their system. Both sexes are usually down for anything but women feel adventuruous to try anything while men said that they felt confident in bed. One male participant said, "It feels like you get a lot more primal on alcohol." He also added that he feels confident enough to get whatever he sets his eyes on.

3. People are hornier on alcohol

This isn't always the case with weed. Whenever alcohol gets in the mix, its safe to assume that some sexy time is in the offing. That's because sex overtakes every other urge when one has had s few drinks. In contrast, people are up for a whole range of activities if they've smoked a joint.

4. People find others more attractive when they're high

Sounds bizarre, I know. However, those who smoked weed tended to acquire "weed goggles" and sleep with partners they usually wouldn't. According to participants, their vision is fuzzier when they're on weed and actually tend to believe that their partner is attractive, a trait they wouldn't attach to the person when they're sober.

5. You end up having more sex when you're high

If you're drunk and have a sexual episode, chances are that you may not want to do it again. However, this urge changes if there's weed involved. Male and female participants said they felt the need to have more than one sexual episode after a few joints.

6. Men regret the women they pursued while drunk

Men differ from women on this point. They wake the next morning with feelings of regret about the women they bedded. One 20-year-old male participant said, "Oh, so much regret for alcohol. Sometimes I hook up with girls I wouldn't normally have while sober."

7. Women on the other hand experience shame

We don't know what causes this but women have a deep sense of shame about having a random hookup. Some of them feel shameful about sleeping with a man they wouldn't if they were sober.

Hey never keep a horny woman waiting,
meet me at my place pronto!
While all the above studies give us excuses for our regretable, and sometimes pleasurable moments. The facts are what they are. Humans have urges that we need to satisfy, we can use getting high as an excuse to satisfy our needs or wonder how many wonderful moments we could have had, in the back seat of the car in the parking garage, followed by multiple sessions between the sheets, in the shower, on the rug infront of the fire place..
let's just refer to it as Bundle sex.

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