
Problems are not STOP signs, they are guidelines.

If you believe the caption then you are a Strong person with

Personality Traits Of A Few Strong People That Are Difficult to Understand, by some.

I will stop and look both ways then move forwards!

Strong personality can be intimidating and people don’t often understand it. Some may even shy away and be afraid of making contact with these people. If you have a strong personality you might seem dominating, rude or scary, but this is not who you actually are. Strong people tend to be very gentle and never want to dominate. If you are one of them, you have probably noticed that some people seem intimidated when you are around, but this is because it is difficult for them to understand your personality. You are very comfortable with yourself and you don’t need anyone’s approval.

These are the Main personality traits of strong people and why people are afraid of you

1.You don’t tolerate excuses
Strong people hate listening to excuses and when people whine about how difficult something is to achieve. Making excuses is a waste of time for them and they would rather focus harder on overcoming those difficulties instead of just complaining about them. Strong people will never have a negative attitude and will work on fixing the situation instead of thinking what went wrong.
2.You don’t easily let people in your life
Strong people don’t need others just to feel better because they don’t seek anyone’s approval. They are perfectly fine on their own and are very picky about their friends. Strong people will make sure the person they open up to is worth it and will not find just anyone because they are good at validating themselves without anyone’s help.
3.They don’t like small talk
People with strong personality also hate small talk because they think it is not productive. They would rather share ideas and knowledge instead of just talking about anything and everything. You might avoid gossip and endless discussions that don’t lead anywhere and you would rather spend your time doing something productive instead.
4.You don’t tolerate ignorance and insensitivity
Having a strong personality and a dominating one is very different. A dominating personality comes from lack of knowledge while the strong is related to education and thoughtfulness. Strong people spend a lot of time focusing on positive things and they would never accept people who are insensitive or ignorant, as well as those who jump to conclusions and are always judging others.

Just call me and tell me, what you need to get off of your chest.

5.You are a great listener
Strong people are always ready to listen and would never ignore you. People always value this trait because they are so used to be ignored that it is surprising for them to find someone who will sit down and hear them out.
6.You are not an attention seeker
Since strong people are satisfied by themselves, they will never look for other people’s attention. They don’t see the point of being the center of attention because they might feel like their energy is drained afterwards. Instead, they would rather stay aside and take care of themselves.
7.You are fearless
This does not mean strong people don’t think before doing something scary, but they are much more courageous compared to others. They are never overwhelmed by fear and they know how to control it in order to continue.
8.You see insecurities as opportunities
Strong people also have insecurities but they consider them a chance to grow and become better. Nobody is perfect and flawless, but it is important how we accept these insecurities. Strong people will never let them prevent the future success in life.
Strong people are definitely difficult to be around probably because of their honesty and openness. However, they tend to be very good friends and will always challenge others to do their best. Having such a friend is a blessing and you should be happy about it.

Some stories are just.....

Fairy Tales 


Uncomplicated men only need 5 things

These Are The Simple  Things Men Really need in a Relationship
4 out of 5 isn't bad.

There are a lot more articles on the Internet about women and what they want in a relationship than there are for men. It is difficult to find out about men’s needs and desires because they don’t often talk about their feelings. If you want to make your relationship work, it is important to learn more about what your partner needs.

These are the things all men want in a relationship:

Clear Communication  (smirking)

Even though they don’t seem like they do, men actually want open communication with their partner. Lack of healthy communication can cause angry outbursts and irritability which can reflect negatively on your relationship. Instead of giving your man clues and hints, try to be more straightforward when communicating with them.


Men also want to feel appreciated because their ego should be nurtured if you want to make them feel happy. You should appreciate everything he does for your relationship as well as the things you like about your intimacy.


As well as being appreciated, men also like to be respected and the things they do for you. If you show him that you appreciate his efforts, he will love and respect you even more.


Nowadays, out busy schedules have made us forget about our partners and their comfort. Men want to feel relaxed when they come back from a stressful day at work. Even though he might not show them, men also have emotions and they want to feel your support.

Last but not least No mind games.

Never play mind games in a relationship if you want your partner to be happy and satisfied. Men don’t want to be involved with someone who will not respect them enough and who will play mind games. If you want to ensure your relationship’s future try to avoid these games.

We are simple creatures don't make it complicated! We don't want to be Lost in a "Masquerade"


True growth occurs when you break through YOUR walls!

I now I really feel empowered!

The Following  Are Signs Your Partner could  Love You Unconditionally once your walls comes down

Every person wants to fall in love with the perfect person and live happily. Love is a feeling that is very positive especially if you are loved back. According to Stuart Fensterheim, a couple expert, unconditional love is an experience that stops you from trying to change or control your partner. You will accept them just as they are and you will love them with all their flaws.

The difficult part is figuring out whether what we have with our partner is actually unconditional love. Feeling loved and respected is one thing, but unconditional love is a bit tricky to discover. If you are curious, keep reading to figure out.

Growing old with you is the only thing on their mind

If your partner lights up when you start talking about growing old together and watching your grandchildren run in your backyard, they actually love the idea of sharing that with you. There is nothing they want more than spending the rest of their life together with you.

You share your deepest secrets with them

If you can rely on your partner enough to share your deepest and darkest secrets, your love is definitely unconditional. We all have secrets that we would rather keep to ourselves, however if you don’t feel embarrassed by sharing something with your partner, you are definitely sharing unconditional love.

You make them feel proud and they let you know it

Your partner will consider your accomplishments as if they have achieved them and will show you how proud they are of you. Even if it is something small and insignificant for you, they will tell you how much they are happy for what you have done which can result in you becoming more motivated on working on improving yourself.

You have disagreements but you resolve them peacefully

Couples that don’t fight are not happy couples and there is nothing wrong about having disagreements with your partner. However, partners who share unconditional love will try to find the best way to resolve their conflicts that will make their relationship even better.

They are protective

Being jealous and being protective are two completely different things. If your partner is protective they will want to make sure you are always safe and sound and will do everything in their power to prevent something bad from happening to you. Your safety and well-being will always be their priority.

Final thought
Your walls are emotional barriers, you created to protect you from hurt.....but hurt is a figment of your imagination... it's not REAL until it happens. Think about who and what you are trying to keep out. 1)Joy, 
3) long lasting love, and probably
4) eternal happiness.
Currently all the way to  the end, those wall up and standing tall, will do you very little good!
Well now you can rid yourself of old walls because you are a



So what's the difference ?

Love feels different when
 we are in love!

The Brutally Honest Difference Between Loving someone.

Love is a complex, beautiful and wonderful feeling. It’s perhaps the most indescribable and most profound emotions we experience; but do you know the difference between loving someone and being in love with someone? Here are some examples to help you differentiate between the two.

You might think loving someone and being in love with someone is the same, but they aren’t. What makes them different? Your intentions.

You choose to love someone; when you’re in love, it’s not a choice. When you love someone, you have a choice to be with them. If the relationship doesn’t work out, you can both walk away. If you’re in love, and still you walk away, you’ll always feel the same about this person because you’ve fallen in love with them.

When you love someone, you want what’s best for them; being in love with them means you put their needs and desires before your own. Being in love means making personal sacrifices so they might reach their goals. Could you step aside and let them come first? Would you do more to help them reach their full potential? This could mean doing more around your home, easing their burden and stress so they can keep working toward their goal.

 Love can end; being in love never does. Need an example? Statistics show over half the marriages in the United States end in divorce. This means the couple wasn’t in love. They just loved each other when they decided to marry. If a couple is in love, they’ll work past their differences, resolve their disagreements and work together because they can’t imagine living without each other.

Loving someone means you always need them. If you’re in love, you recognize your lives need a balance. It’s great to spend time together, but being in love means you both should be happy. You need your hobbies and things you do without that person.

Loving someone  takes work; being in love is effortless. Yes, being in love has its challenges, but when all is said and done, your life together isn’t a struggle.

Loving can sometimes feel like a rush while being in love is filled with many emotions. It has its highs and lows like a roller-coaster. If you love someone, the ride ends; but being in love, throughout everything, you and your partner vow to find a way to figure everything out.

 Loving someone is looking at how they make you feel. Being in love is how you make them feel. With this one, you could say that being in love means you’re unselfish because you’re concerned with your partner’s feeling.

 Loving means ownership?? being in love is an equal partnership. loving someone means you show them off to the whole world. being in love means you don’t label them as your boyfriend or girlfriend. This doesn’t mean you don’t acknowledge you’re an item, but you also recognize the two of you are both your own people.

Final thoughts
The differences are not  always visual... you need to apply ingredients that  blend well together.... make it tasty and add spice to your lives together. A creative mind can't be an  attractive quality  (at times) to opposites...... they can find harmony. If both individuals know that Love grows. it just needs to be stimulated for long term..in contrast to short term relationship... folks mindset of dissatisfaction that become obvious  when both individuals are  still looking for perfection in the other person.   Whether you are married or dating you don't own your partner.
 It''s that kind of thinking that destroys relationships. People with that kind of insecurity... confuse what real love is, they think that possessive behavior means their partner is in love with them.... they could not be more wrong.
I've  loved a few women in my life... so I think I understand the difference.... simply because I remember my experiences... which I've shared with each of these women was different.....none was ever the same as the others. Love is not just love for someone special, when you are in love the feelings are always special for that someone, making them special to you!
With climate changes we need to be able to deal with the  Heat Wave; " Always and forever"


It May Not Be Time To Give Up On Your Relationship Just Yet

Do you honestly think
 we should keep trying?

The old cliche that "home is where the Heart is " kicks me as a Karate side kick to the chest an knocking a broad down.... because My heart is in my chess/body and at times my body is not where it should be physically . So how do I begin to make my body go where my heart feels at home, especially when you are conflicted?

Being in a relationship with a person who gives you the same amount of love you provide to them is the best feeling in the world. Humans are social beings that need love which will give them the strength to move forward in life. This feeling makes us want to become better people every day. However, being in a unhappy relationship can have devastating effect on your entire life making you feel like there is no reason to wake up in the morning.

A healthy and strong relationship involves partners who are willing to open themselves to each other. This is the true point of love and regardless of the risk of getting your heart broken, you are willing to take that chance. If you are not sure whether your partner and your relationship are worth the effort, it is important to evaluate how much you give from yourself and how much your partner is involved. These are significant  signs that will help you figure out if your relationship has a future.

Both of you don’t want to call it quits

If both you and your partner are willing to work hard on making your relationship work, it is an excellent sign that you have a good future together where you will try to overcome any difficulty as a couple.

You have unfinished business

If you can’t stand something your partner does or if you feel your relationship has become stagnant, it does not mean it is over and you should give up. First try to talk with your partner openly about the things you are not happy about and if they are willing to work on it you might end up happier.

A new problem is ruining everything

If the reason for your unhappiness is a recent problem, it doesn’t mean it will destroy everything you have already worked on. It may be difficult to overcome, but in the end you will get out stronger than ever. Never avoid your partner during challenging times because relationships are not always about happiness.

They're genuinely trying to improve them-self

If they are making an effort to get rid of  bad habits that make you upset, they definitely want your relationship to work out. Be patient, change is a long process and everyone deserves a second chance.

Your surroundings are making you doubt your relationship

If you feel like most of your troubles are caused by outside factors, try to avoid thinking about them and don’t let them become a part of your relationship. Don’t let other people stand between you. You are the person who knows what is the best for you and others will never know how you feel and will never see things from your perspective.

Don’t give up until you have got all the facts straight

If you have heard rumor that they might be cheating on you but you are not sure, or if your friends tell you they are not good for you, instead of jumping to conclusion try to thing about the facts thoroughly. Evaluate the problem first and then make a decision without rushing into anything.

It’s just one honest mistake

We all make mistakes and you should never crucify your partner about a small insignificant mishap. You might do the same thing in the future and you will want support and understanding from your partner.

Some problems can be fixed

We often encounter serious issues in a relationship that can’t be resolved and fixed easily. They might require a lot of time and effort and it is extremely important to sit down and discuss that problem with your partner.
That look says this side-Kick is coming right to the chest
 so back up and regroup, or you heart will pay a serious price. 

Resulting heartbreak 

You’re afraid you’ll be heartbroken

Being afraid to love just because of the fear of being heartbroken is stupid. Many people will prefer to be alone than risk getting hurt. However, this fear should not stop you from falling in love and working on your relationship. Not all  estranged spouses are interested in hurting their partner. Try to relax, and enjoy your happiness for as long as you can.

Final thought

Try and remember why you were attracted to each other, in the first place, and got together because of it.  If those reasons are still relevant then their is still hope...you can find as many reasons possible to move forward if you just "keep hope alive!"
The point that many miss.... is that the feeling of entitlement becomes the biggest problem... in relationship... when one is granted privileges then they feel entitled, when these privileges are suddenly remove, then entitlement issues raises it's "ugly head." Teamwork is power. the strength that both members bring to the teamwork,  is needed to succeed. Focus on result not on who is doing what! Servant-leadership in the "mission" is most important!


These Are Things Strong Women Seem To Not Care About At All….


To know...a strong, self confidence  woman, is to appreciate a few things that are different about her.

What people say behind their back

These strong women don’t give a damn about what others talk about them. They will never even worry about what people think about them because they don’t exist for others. Gossip is meaningless to strong women and it will never ruin her self-image. So, no matter how hard you try you can never piss her off because she has better things to worry about than that.
Putting on masks
Self confidence women will never hide their feelings, thoughts or needs. If she is happy she will smile, if she is sad she will cry and if she is angry she will openly tell you what is the reason. Strong women accept themselves completely and are never embarrassed about anything they do.
Other people’s thoughts or opinions are meaningless for strong women because they have their own rules they try to follow. They firmly believe in their rules and thoughts and will never let others get involved in them or try to change them. Also, don’t expect strong women to follow other people’s rules.
The past
Self confidence women have put the past behind and will never look back. They think of it as a way to learn and grow in order to become a better person, but she will only focus on the present.
Fashion trends
Self confidence women will never follow fashion trends if they don’t like them. They will never wear something just because everyone else does, so unless they feel comfortable they will never follow any trend or style.
Being supported
A self confidence woman is satisfied being on her own and she does not need anyone to rely on. She is independent and able to fight her own battles without the support from anyone. She will know how to take good care of herself without expecting someone else to do it for her.
She is not overly polite, but she is also not rude. Strong women are very open and will say what they mean to your face. They will tell you the truth even if you don’t like it.
Social networks
Self confidence women can’t care less about what happens on social media because they live in the reality. She will never think about why someone did not like her photo or why they didn’t message her back. She does not need reassurance from anyone so she will never consider social media as something worth it.
Final thought
While The above are Things self confidence Strong Women Don’t Care About At All, are pretty much on the money there are things they do care about . I can go down a list but will save them for a future blog post. I'm a big fan of strong women, so, I could be wrong about a few things so I will ask a few of these ladies some questions before I write about the things they care most about . stay tuned!


If you don't understand her by now .. you are clueless.

Fellahs check This Is Why Men Should Worry When Their Woman Goes Silent

Men, it is about time we learn something about women. You should know this by heart because it is something that every single woman on this planet does. Most men worry when a woman yells at them.
Don’t worry when:
Help me understand!
  • Well, don’t worry when this happens or when she blames you. Don’t worry when she sends you long essays on social media explaining to you why is she mad. Don’t worry then.
  • Also, you shouldn’t worry when she decides to come all across town to knock on your door in the middle of the night just because she is mad and hurt and wants to talk.
  • Believe it or not, but you shouldn’t worry when she cries at night because of something you did or said.
  • Are you surprised you are reading this? You need to understand that they are all displays of her love. Yes, they are all exhibits of how much she loves you, and they are cries for your attention.
I just don't understand,
why has she has gone silent.

So when should you worry? You should worry when her messages are only answers of one word.
  • Worry when you notice that she no longer fights with you, worry when she stops crying and knocking on your door. Worry when she stops reacting and talking.
  • Why should you worry? You should worry because this only means that you are no longer worth her anger, and you are no longer worth the fight. Because it says that those flames that burned her passion are now cold as ice.
  • Worry because a woman’s silence is far more dangerous than her words, her silence can destroy much more than her words ever will. A woman’s silence means you are no longer that person who occupies her thoughts.

You see, women love words, they love to speak their mind because they feel all the words they say, they come from their heart. Words represent the depth of a woman, and they are always genuine.
But bear in mind that women hate silence. They are not comfortable with feelings left unattended, words left unsaid and hearts being neglected.
Her words are her love, and her silence is her departure, as a matter of fact, it is the beginning of the end. A woman’s silence means she doesn’t care and that she is giving up on you. She is silent because you don’t deserve her words.
Her silence is only a response to your silence. Therefore, you shouldn’t fear a woman’s heated arguments, the different ways she tries to show you who she is, the tears she cannot hold back because you are her world.

Don’t fear them, simply appreciate them, they are the ways she wants to stay and fight with you because she wants to fight for you. Fear, yes, fear the day this stops, and everything is quiet.
So here is how you throw her off balance and get back in her good graces!
Tell her : you're my favorite Girl.


Isn't the phrase "happy wife, happy life" a threat?

OK I'm  joking...  but think about it. Better yet ask Chris Rock. (Smirking !)

Can't wait to get home to my happy wife!!!

Of course it's  not a threat. Because if the husband is not okay with that, he will be unhappy. I am, and always have been, a person that takes charge and has always been the big picture decision maker, which is what made me such a good manager of my time. The details (that got us to the big picture) I always delegated downwards. OK this sounds a bit chauvinistic but delecaging is always downward... try delegating upward and see how far your get....... My significant other (I always hated that term, but its the best I have since she is more than just a girlfriend) was a details person. She got aggravated that I’m not a details guy, I am but she never really knew that about me, but she was the type of person that had trouble making the big decisions, so we were perfect for each other. hmmm... until we weren't anymore. 

So, for example, this is how the decision-making process worked in our house:

Her: “What time do you want to eat?”

Me: “I should be home by six and will be starving. How about then?” (Big picture decision).
Her: “Any ideas what you want?” (A detail decision).
Me: “I don’t care. Whatever you make will be delicious.”
Her: “Okay, I will figure something out.”
Then she get out my cookbook I had from my bachelor days...  and made us a to die for.... meal.
Another example is that I had a long weekend due a business trip to Frisco because of my  job, and she had a few vacation day saved up, so I proposed that we get away for a mini-vacation on my San Francisco trip.
Her: “Where do you want to go?”
Me: “Let’s go to San Fran. That’s only a few hours away by flight.” (Big picture decision).
Her: “What are we going to do there?” (A detail decision).
Me: “I don’t care. Why don’t you go online and see what there is to do? (Since it was the details, I didn’t care what we did).
So she did, and she picked six things for us to do over the four days, and we had a great time.
You see, this worked well  for us. If she had to choose where to go, she would spend months weighing the pros and cons of costs, destinations, and what to do at each location. Once she had a big picture decision, then she has to only focus on the details. She liked the details. Me? For the most part, I don’t care what we did once we got there, I just wanted to go somewhere that was reasonably close to not totally waste travel time on our short vacation, and San Fran  fit that criteria. The big picture decision was made, so I bowed out.
With all of that being said, let me get to the point. Our relationship works because we complement each other. If she had to make all of the decisions and controlled my life in every aspect, it would be too much for her, and she would be unhappy (as well as I would since that is not my personality). If I made all of the decisions down to all of the details, she would be unhappy because she likes to work the details (as well as I would since the details don’t matter to me as long as the big picture decision is met). So if you’re someone that likes to make all of the decisions, then the partner that will be the “happy wife” is someone that prefers to make no decisions. If you prefer to be told what to do and have someone else make all of your decisions, then the partner that will be the “happy wife” will be someone that likes to control every aspect of your life. In reality, I expect that you are more like me or my SO; you prefer to make the big decisions and let someone else work out the details, or you prefer to figure out the details and let someone else make the big decisions. Whichever you are, find the person that complements you. Then not only will you have a “happy wife, happy life,” but you will also be happy.
My man will be home soon I should start dinner!

In this example, I only went into detail about the decision-making process (if only that was the only criteria to make a relationship work), but there are some aspects where you will be opposites and have to find a solution in order for their to be a “happy wife, happy life” scenario. Another example that I will give is that she was  more of a saver and I, so we were somewhat opposites when it came to money (though I did invest in stocks, so I did have sizable reserve if I needed money unexpectedly). We had to find a way to work around that, so our solution was separate bank accounts a few years before our divorce. My check went  into my account, and I paid a large portion of the bills (mainly because I earn much more than her because of my  choice of career track), and her check goes into her account, and she pays only a few bills and bought the groceries sometimes for the household. Whatever is left in our accounts, after bills are paid and groceries are bought, is ours to do with as we want. By the time we get paid again, both of our accounts were close to zero. Hers is almost zero because she shoved the excess into her savings account (she’s more risk adverse than I am while I don’t want to lose potential income that can be made investing instead of the low interest rates at the bank) while mine is almost zero because I bought whatever I wanted when I wanted (though, in my defense, I always divert some money to my investment account as soon as I get paid). Since neither of us has any say on what we do with our money over and above the bills and groceries, this works for us and has led to a “happy 25 years life.” If we insisted on only having one bank account, there would be at least one unhappy person and a lot of fights about money, which was the care for many years in the begining (I wanted to spend/invest; she wanted to save where the money was safe/immediately available).
So the key to a “happy life” is to find a “happy wife” by finding someone that complements who you are or by finding solutions for your differences. My advice is to discuss all of this before you get married, so, that once you are, it will not cause any mayor problems.
Best of  luck to you!

Final thought
On the surface this seems like an ideal situation for the wife. If she is happy, then she provides for the family happily, if not, everyone suffers. When we think about this in reality though, this is a tyrannical marriage. While it is nice to try to make your wife happy and it is something that you should strive for, having complete control of the marriage to do this is not healthy. 


Behaviors Women Show When They’re With Their True Love

So let me get this right all of these calculations
are useless because she is so complex that figuring her out
 takes way more time that I cannot put in formu

Too B.A.D. I didn't know these fact earlier in  life. 

“True love doesn’t happen right away; it’s an ever-growing process. It develops after you’ve gone through many ups and downs, when you’ve suffered together, cried together, laughed together.” ~ Ricardo Montalban
World’s top relationship development expert AJ Harbinger says, “Love isn’t just a bunch of chemicals, but brain chemistry plays an important role in why we feel the way we feel about other people. And when we feel good things, there’s usually a lot of dopamine involved. When women fall in love, their bodies also produce nor-epinephrine and phenylethylamine. These increase focus while creating a sense of euphoria. That’s why women often become focused on one man to the exclusion of other things when they’re falling in love.
Falling in love with a woman can be one of the most wonderful and exciting things that happens in your life. The problem may be trying to figure out if a woman is in love with you, too. Whether you’re beginning a relationship, or whether you’re in a long-term relationship, women will exhibit the same kind of behaviors when they have fallen in love with you.


A woman who is in love with you will start to be unusually shy. As opposed to when she is hanging out with friends and other men that she isn’t in love with, she may be much more outgoing and boisterous. If she’s in love with you, you might find that she is more likely to avoid eye contact with you, giggle when you speak to her, and have a hard time communicating with you.


Sure, getting presents on your birthday or holidays is pretty standard. But when a woman is in love with you, you may find that she gives you presents more often. They’re not always big presents, but they’re often very special and heartfelt. If you find that a woman you know or are casually dating brings you presents often and without reason, it’s probably a sign that she’s deeply in love.


If a woman is in love with you, she may begin to exhibit some strange behavior. She wants to be seen as cute in front of the person that she loves, and being cute is often hand-in-hand with being slightly childish.
According to the site TellYouAll, “They will not hesitate to raise their tune of their voice, scream, jump around, or giggle loudly to draw your attention. Note also their speaking style, which at first glance would sound warmer just like a small child.” She may also act innocent in a childlike way.


A woman who is in love with you will take an interest in your life. She wants to know about your day, about your past, about your hopes and dreams. She isn’t just asking to be polite, either. She is genuinely interested in your life and what you think and feel, and all of your opinions on things.
According to the site YourTango, “You clearly already caught her interest if she’s asking (assuming she’s not just making small talk to be polite) and engaging in conversation. It’s just a step to determine if you’re a compatible partner for her.
If she is asking a lot of questions and taking interest in your life, then it’s probably a sign that she’s genuinely in love with you.
Let me just say I'm glad we are talking
 to each other instead of Texting!


Whether she’s messaging you online, sending you a text or seeking you out to start talking, a woman who is in love with you is more likely to start the conversation. Sometimes, you may find that she’s always sending you the first text, or is the one who’s calling you on the phone. These are behaviors of a woman who really wants to talk to you.


Do you have a boring job? A weird hobby? It doesn’t matter what you do for a living or what you do during your free time; a woman who is in love with you will think that the things you do are the most interesting things on the planet. She loves to listen to you talk about what you do for a living, or talk about your favorite hobbies and interests. A woman who is in love with you is interested in even the most boring details of your day.


Making a good impression is important to a woman when she’s in love with someone. One of the first impressions that someone can make is with their physical appearance. That means that if a woman is always looking her best whenever you’re around her, she’s probably trying to impress you with the way that she looks.


When you walk into the room, does her expression change? Does she light up when she sees you? If so, it’s a sign that she’s falling for you. A woman who isn’t interested in someone is rarely going to look excited every time they walk into the room. Pay attention to the way she smiles and the light in her eyes every time you’re around – if she looks like you’re her whole world, then you probably have a woman who is in love.


Maintaining eye contact is something that many people do when they’re feeling confident. But a woman who is in love with you may find it hard to maintain eye contact. After all, eyes are a window to the soul. When a woman has a hard time keeping eye contact, it’s a sign that she’s in love with you and is too shy to show it.


She’s always aware of what you need, whether it’s an ear to listen, or someone to offer advice. A woman who is in love with you will have no problem keeping your wants and needs at the forefront of her mind, and she will be happy to help you with whatever you need.
Final thoughts
Women show their emotions in total different ways than men do, and when they fall in love, they can exhibit a type of behavior that makes it obvious … but only if you know what to look for! If you’re with a woman and want to figure out if she’s deeply in love with you, you’ll want to keep a lookout for these specific behaviors. Men are so less complicated.....