
Never mind the appearance, broken and cracks are not permanent.

We all go through both good and bad times in life, however, the bad ones often make us feel heartbroken and afraid to move on. These experiences make us grow and should  become stronger and more capable, so being broken is actually a gift that can prepare you for future events.

I'm cracked... but you can't tell can you?

These are the 8 things you should remember when you feel broken:
1. Cracks allow light to come in
If there are no cracks on your heart, there will be no way for the light to get in it. Heart-breaking experiences teach us how to see the good in the world and often transform our soul. Having positive experiences all the time will never teach us how to become more powerful and resilient.
You should know that life is sometimes very hard, and things will happen that could tear you apart but also re-build you into a better person.
2. Accept and honor your feelings instead of fighting them
Being a human includes feeling negative or heavy emotions. There are some situations that make us respond to our feelings by screaming, crying or falling to our knees. Keeping these strong emotions inside will only cause a worse outburst so never hide your feelings because you are afraid of how people are going to react. Let the emotions out and you will be able to think clearly and find a way to work through them.
3. Keep remembering your “why”
Going through difficult situations makes us forget what we want from life. We were all full of love and hope in the beginning, and being broken often makes us forget what is our mission. Experiencing negative things makes you more able to relate to other people who have gone through the same. Knowing your “why” will allow you to have a better perspective of your purpose on this Earth.
Why? did I even respond to this txt?
My "why" should have greater purpose.

4. Know the things that exist beyond your brokenness
If you feel broken it does not mean that the whole world will see it or share your perspective. Your bad day will not make the world burst in flames, so broaden your perspective next time you feel broken. Be grateful for the gift of life you have received and try to enjoy the small everyday things.
5. Your friends and family are here for support
You don’t have to go through everything alone. This is where your friends and family members can help you get over anything no matter how hopeless the situation seems. Don’t think too long before asking for help because everyone needs it from time to time. The people who love and care for you will be glad you came to them.
6. Focus on the things that make you happy
Being broken and desperate makes us forget about the things that make us happy. Go out, enjoy the sunshine, meet with friends or do anything that makes you feel warm inside. Feeling broken does not mean you have to waste your day by being sorry for yourself.
7. Don’t identify with your feelings too much
Feelings come and go and they don’t wait for you to invite them. Feeling sad today does not mean you will be sad your entire life, so never let your emotions control you and become a permanent part of your life.

I'm fine --- Really! Stop worrying about me!

8 .Life has its ups and downs and this is just temporary
Life is too short to let your emotions overwhelm you. We take things so seriously that we forget how to enjoy our life. Even when it seems like you will never be happy again know that you will be. Embrace your emotions even the bad ones and when you look back on your life you will be grateful for both your positive and negative experiences.

Final thoughts:
My many years of taking time to understand what others are going through, helped me better understand myself. Confusion can cause more damage that you think. Being a loner has its good and bad situations... if you are having issues seek someone to talk to who can understands what you might be going through.... never get stuck in rut  when you find away out! Figure out if you are just going through a mirage.....

Am I Dreaming!

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