
Let us count a few ways where love is easily identified.

“True love is not the number of kisses, or how often you get them; true love is the feeling that still lingers long after the kiss is over.” ~ Anonymous

Falling in love feels amazing, but relationships are work intensive Especially when a relationship is new, many people often wonder whether or not it’s meant to last. Even the relationships that have lasted for quite some time can have the insecurities of whether or not the relationship is meant to last.

One of the more ridiculous myths about “true love” is the idea of the soulmate – that there is someone out there who is your perfect match. A good relationship is about navigating the numerous differences between you – over politics, food, money, how to raise children. It’s those differences that make life more interesting, as our lover opens up a whole new way of seeing or understanding the world.

Fortunately, many people show some kind of sign that they want to be with their partner forever. If you’re wondering about how long your relationship is going to last, look at these signs that your partner wants to be with you for as long as possible.


Of course, sometimes we have to put ourselves first because there are things in our lives that are extremely important. But when your partner wants to be with you forever, they will make sure to put you first when it’s practical for them to do so.

Ok here it becomes gender specific. If he chooses to see you rather than spend time with his friends, you know things are going well. If he’s willing to adjust his schedule to fit in time with you, then that’s even better. He loves being with you and feels most comfortable when you are together.

These guys sacrifice things for you, and put your needs ahead of their own. It shows that they want to be with you, and care about your needs.


When your partner wants to be with you, they make an effort to understand you. It’s not that they understand you magically without having to try – it’s that they put in the effort to understand your thoughts, emotions, opinions and desires. They understanding you on a level like no other, and they’re the only person who wants to understand you as deeply as they do. Being understood is a universally amazing feeling, especially by your partner.


Your relationship is full of laughter, love and fun. There’s no drama or games. Your partner communicates with you and makes it feel like being with them is easy. While it may almost feel too easy to be with him, you know that there’s no way you would trade that feeling for the world. It doesn’t mean that you never argue – just that your relationship lacks drama and upset.

Dating coach Patrick Banks summed it up pretty well, actually. He notes, “There’s nothing more liberating than being in a relationship where you don’t have to wear a façade every time you meet. I mean, think about it, having to hide an annoying habit or two from your partner might seem like a minor hindrance in the short-term, but in the long haul it can end up driving you mad.”


While your thoughts and opinions don’t always align the same way, they’re definitely complementary. They have your same way of thinking, and they have the same values that you do. You never feel afraid of telling your partner something or expressing an opinion, because you know that they accept you and understand you. Oftentimes, you can simply give them a look and know exactly what they’re thinking.

Professor of psychology Kelly Campbell, Ph.D. says, “For long-lasting love, the more similarity (e.g., age, education, values, personality, hobbies), the better. Although other differences can be accommodated and tolerated, a difference in values is particularly problematic if the goal is long-lasting love.”

Final thoughts:
For most folks, sex is a part of love. When you love someone you are giving yourself freely and openly in every way imaginable. Sexual monogamy is part of romance. This is just how we did relationships in the last  century, I'm still hopeful for this 21st century.... 
I'm just an optimistic person, knowing and having experienced...... what I have over many decades of encounters with loving and caring women who have taught me that..... what I have to offer someone is so worth it... well at at least this was what was  I told to me by someone I care for deeply.  Too BAD we didn't make it last.  In my adult relationships I’ve fluctuated between times of sexual freedom and celibacy. There have been relationships with passion and late nights and others with none of the above. In other words... there's nothing that works perfectly... unless you are into the other person..... totally.  
Both deserve each other's Love!

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