
These Are Things Strong Women Seem To Not Care About At All….


To know...a strong, self confidence  woman, is to appreciate a few things that are different about her.

What people say behind their back

These strong women don’t give a damn about what others talk about them. They will never even worry about what people think about them because they don’t exist for others. Gossip is meaningless to strong women and it will never ruin her self-image. So, no matter how hard you try you can never piss her off because she has better things to worry about than that.
Putting on masks
Self confidence women will never hide their feelings, thoughts or needs. If she is happy she will smile, if she is sad she will cry and if she is angry she will openly tell you what is the reason. Strong women accept themselves completely and are never embarrassed about anything they do.
Other people’s thoughts or opinions are meaningless for strong women because they have their own rules they try to follow. They firmly believe in their rules and thoughts and will never let others get involved in them or try to change them. Also, don’t expect strong women to follow other people’s rules.
The past
Self confidence women have put the past behind and will never look back. They think of it as a way to learn and grow in order to become a better person, but she will only focus on the present.
Fashion trends
Self confidence women will never follow fashion trends if they don’t like them. They will never wear something just because everyone else does, so unless they feel comfortable they will never follow any trend or style.
Being supported
A self confidence woman is satisfied being on her own and she does not need anyone to rely on. She is independent and able to fight her own battles without the support from anyone. She will know how to take good care of herself without expecting someone else to do it for her.
She is not overly polite, but she is also not rude. Strong women are very open and will say what they mean to your face. They will tell you the truth even if you don’t like it.
Social networks
Self confidence women can’t care less about what happens on social media because they live in the reality. She will never think about why someone did not like her photo or why they didn’t message her back. She does not need reassurance from anyone so she will never consider social media as something worth it.
Final thought
While The above are Things self confidence Strong Women Don’t Care About At All, are pretty much on the money there are things they do care about . I can go down a list but will save them for a future blog post. I'm a big fan of strong women, so, I could be wrong about a few things so I will ask a few of these ladies some questions before I write about the things they care most about . stay tuned!

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