
Love, Is Not Always and Forever!

OK, I wrote that caption with Tongue in cheek! 

Tomorrow is always the day we all say we will start making a change for the better in our lives. But what about today? What about improving our life now?
In order to let the opportunities unfold and create a better life, we need to pay a little attention to these lessons.

There's no pleasing others.  No matter how much you try, you'll never be able to please everybody. 
and if you really think about it, the only thing that matters is that at the end of the day you can only be proud of yourself. Going to bed with a clean conscience is more fulfilling than wasting your time by trying to please others. Let your good deeds speak for you. It's enough!

Express your gratitude for everything you have. Being grateful for what you have is the building block on which you can create a bigger, more meaningful life for yourself. By acknowledging all you have you remember the struggles you've been through and gain more confidence for the future.

Learn how to be kind to yourself. It's great to strive for perfection, but it's even more important to know that being perfect is impossible. Whenever you make a mistake, instead of putting yourself down, try to remember that you are only human. The important thing is that you have tried. Learn from your experience and move on. 

So Go for that amazing dream you've always wanted to accomplish. Fear can make us prisoners of our own minds. We hope that by playing it safe we won't fail. But killing your dreams before giving them a try is the biggest failure there is. Commit yourself to make them real or you'll regret it for the rest of your life.

Be the change you want to see in the World.
 Yeah, the world is awful at times. But there are still people struggling to make it a better place. Join them and improve it as much as you can. You don't necessarily have to start a revolution in the morning (which would be great) It's enough to help somebody in need, to say a kind word to a sad person or to inspire a young person to believe in himself. No matter how small, the crucial thing is to inject some good in the World.

Final thoughts
I may have said a whole lot about life in general in my point so what does that have to do with "love not always being forever"? simple.... love starts at home when you don't love yourself you cannot love someone else. nor can you be grateful for their love for you! People often see the slogan "Love thine self"  as selfish. OK, it is about self first. then and only then can you share the love, you have, with others. Think of love as a pizza, you can only share it if you have it to share. Want a slice just let me know!

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