
Until Death do us part! NO!

Is this your Real World? We have to take past feeling coming up in our relationships, into consideration, these days, or find ourselves in unnecessary conflicts.
I love you right now but not till death us do part!
Many of us heard words but didn't really make the full mental commitment!

As a divorced man.. I have now come to grips with many of the things I ignored for many years, especially when I was married. I often wanted to get away from the daily problems, My job daily problem-solving burned me out, as soon as I walked in the door from work, I wanted to go off by myself... Now that I'm most often by myself...  the problems are singular.... instead of plural. OK so after the divorce,  I gave up half of the problems...more or less,  but there are new ones that have now been added. When I  sit and have dinner with my family, while visiting, my old stomping grounds, it becomes a reality that I have been missing my life of old sometimes... it's only a temporary fix, when I'm visiting, because we all live in separate locations, now.
When I read commentaries like some of the following it confirms some of the things I often think about these things.

 Commentary: What Are You Afraid Of?
The reason why most people don't start new relationships is that of fear. The same fear that keeps them from being honest about what they want in a relationship, they're afraid of being alone also.
Or they fear traveling outside their hood, their city, or their country. That sort of fear makes the world a very small place where everyone looks like you, talks like you, eats what you eat, and thinks the way you do. How boring!
Whatever your fears, the objective should be to overcome them otherwise you'll keep punching that 9-5 clock then goes home and watch TV till late until they die and what could be scarier than that? Or settling in a relationship that is too demeaning...besides it won't last anyway. As for traveling...I'm sick and tired of people telling me they can't afford a plane ticket. If you can't afford to travel your body pick up a book and travel in your mind. The library is free! I visit very often.
Nothing is scarier than a closed mind; closed to new perspectives, new people, new places, new food, and new ideas. I refuse to be stuck in a box because of my skin color, my age, or others expectations. And you should feel the same way.
Courageous people are challenged by their fears, whereas cowards are crippled by them. Which one are you? ~ Michael Baisden.
- I'm constantly evaluating things asking myself is my conduct always that of a "gentleman... and a Real man." 
- If there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm. -African Proverb

By not fully trusting and opening up, a dialog is not going to happen. Women these days have spent years protecting herself from being hurt. But by the time they may start to open up more than they ever had in their adult lives because she is now in love, o infatuated with someone new. Her new man's support may have made it safe for her to get in touch with her old feelings. Suddenly she begins to feel the way she felt as a child when her father was too busy for her. Her past unresolved feelings of anger and powerlessness were projected onto her new man watching TV.  If these feelings do not come up... then she may have resolved old issues. 

No man can fully understand female issues. we can try but. it takes effort and some men are not willing to put in the effort. There  I've said a mouthful. I hope I have not offended anyone! 

Final thought:
Today, personalized wedding vows are becoming more and more popular, with couples wanting to pay tribute to their unique relationship using their own words instead of something that's been said before (and maybe impress their guests in the process). But plenty of people still use traditional vows — either in whole, in part, or adapting some portion of them. Standard wedding vows have also given us some of our most memorable pop culture moments, like the immortal "I, Ross, Take Thee, Rachel" 
So, what's up with this "until death do us part" business? It probably won't surprise you that that part of the traditional vows finds its origin in the bible.
so this gives some couples a good reason to repeat them after the pastor has said them. But does it stick in their minds or are they forgotten in a few day, weeks, months, years, decades?

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