
How do you deal when the clouds of doubt roll in


Lets Talk About Relationship Doubts We Should Never Ignore

Don’t be fooled by Kate Hudson movies or the yoga teacher-turned lifestyle-blogger you went to high school with, no one has a perfect relationship. Healthy conflicts, disagreements, and being unbelievably annoyed at your partner for leaving the coffee grounds in the pot *again*, all come with being a party of two. But while everyone has bad days, if you’re feeling hesitation about your relationship all the time, it may be time for a check-in. In fact, there will be  doubts about relationships you shouldn’t  ignore, as they could indicate trouble for the future.

Your instincts are very important to listen to. They often clue you into what you really feel about a situation, instead of what you think is socially appropriate to say or do. If not attended to, this can result in anxiety and/or depression and possibly committing to be with the wrong person."

 while some relationship conflicts can be worked out naturally over time, other issues, like having doubts about a relationship require some serious contemplation. Though it can seem intimidating to talk about your relationship doubts, being open and transparent with your partner can help you in the present and as you build a future.

If you’re confused about the next steps, experts share these 12 relationships doubts should be addressed sooner than later.

Are They Being Honest?

Transparency is an integral part of any relationship. Along with communication, honesty is a cornerstone to any relationship," Koonce tells Bustle. "Having doubts about your partner's ability to be open and honest is a relationship flag that should not be ignored."

If you’re starting to doubt your partner’s honesty, it’s likely time to check-in. "Talk about the problem externally, addressing the behavior rather than the person,” Kelly Bos, psychotherapist and relationship expert, tells Bustle. “Talk about how it affects you and the relationship.”

Rather than hitting your partner with a, “So, what’s up with you always lying?” Bos suggests asking about their behavior rather than them. Something like, “When your words and actions don’t align, I get really confused,” addresses the dishonesty without putting your partner on blast.

Are They Still Attracted To You?

after the honeymoon phase wears off, it’s natural to see each other in a different light, however, if you’re having relationship doubts about if your partner is attracted to you, it’s time to talk.

Doubts about your physical compatibility may not necessarily be written off as just 'minor blips.

think about specific things to ask for. Often we get stressed that the attraction won’t come back and we start living as if this is our future. Try to stay in the moment and enjoy the moment at hand and have ideas at hand on how you can work on it as a couple.”

Whether you want to institute a running date night, incorporate more handholding, or want more verbal affirmations, being clear on your needs can help you and your partner connect.

Let's take a look at the following and think about how we react  and  behave 

  • Meeting Each Other's Needs. The double standard is expecting a spouse to meet his/her needs without meeting theirs. 
  • Her Parents and His Parents.
  • Spending Habits. 
  • Her Friends and His Friends. 
  • Household Chores. 
  • Hurting One Another. .
  • Watching the Kids. Who's turn is it.

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