
OK, stop asking me how you look, when you are being critical of yourself!

It may come as a bit of a shock to you ladies but we guys have a different set of eyes to yours. When YOU gaze into the mirror, you may see a tooth that is a little too yellow or crooked. Or the line where your bra presses in (you call this your “back fat”), the too-small breasts or the too-wide rear, your goofy knees, funny toes…. The list goes on and on. But you know what your MAN sees? A woman he’d love to strip naked and get busy with right this instant, maybe sooner.
 You may hate your hips or your Muffin Top. Well I hate you talking about it! When I was younger, I had to  deal with young woman who wanted to be too skinny .  Over the next twenty years that followed my taste changed multiple times. SHOCKINGLY as a  man, I  would like to note that the women that rocked my world in my 20s  would not interest me much right now.  not only  would I not be willing to marry any of them now, but I would like to see how they have changed  just for reference purposes.  lets just note the following: 

Three ways MEN really see your body…

If you ask your  man what parts of you  he likes the most, he would as like  every other guy probably be thinking about your breast , butt or legs. He wouldn't answer the question with one of these as he knows you would tell him off. After a while of thinking, he would most likely say he something  likes your shoulders or something equally likely to keep him out of trouble. I bet he didn't even know you  had scars on your knees. Here’s the thing: We Men see your body in three ways, and it’s nothing like the way you see yourself.

  • We see what makes you a WOMAN

In other words, when we  look at you we  notice those little things about you that make you uniquely womanly. These things include your ass, your breasts, your legs, hair and even how you walk. It is not really possible for a red blooded male to notice anything else until they notice all those things that make you WOMANLY. Your cellulite does not count, bingo wings don’t count, little wrinkles on your forehead don’t count so chill out about them.

  • We notice those things that make you UNIQUE

That little gap in your teeth? Guys actually think it’s pretty sweet. Your muffin top? 
We  don’t even notice it because it is so near your behind which we  think is the best thing this side of the moon. You think you have thin lips? Well we guys just sees what a nice smile you have. Oh and when we  see your lips, we  are not thinking about how thin they are. More likely we  are thinking of kissing them and feeling them on our  body. All those things you don’t like about yourself and think are hideous are seen by us guys in a totally different way. We  see these things as what makes you uniquely YOU and only you, warts, freckles, blemishes  and all that.

  • If you constantly draw attention to something, we will start to notice it

On this point you have the power to rock or ruin your relationship. All the points I made above are all true in the early days. As time goes by however, if you start to mention all the things you dislike about yourself over and over again, we  will start to notice them more and more and start seeing them as you see them . .You are not only beating yourself up about these things, you are also tearing down our  first impressions of you. You push men  glances off your leg saying “I'm too fat” while we are  thinking “I could stroke that leg all day”.  This will erode all the thoughts and desires we constantly have for you and over time will drive us away. The great thing about this point is that it works in reverse perfectly. Show off those new nails or your new hair do to us. Show a bit of flesh (even the bits you may not like so much). Tease us constantly with that body we desires so much.

A Real Man Loves, A REAL WOMAN

We will of course still be visually  attracted to the glossy magazine images of skinny models or those too good to be true film stars you see in the movies. Having said all this,  whether it’s real or not these images in magazines and on the big screen are no competition whatsoever for a living, breathing, fragrant woman sitting next to her  man at a restaurant. Or pressed slightly against him in the elevator. Perfection can go hang; you are up close and personal. You can be assured that while we might fantasize about a playmate of the month, we’ll take a real woman over a figment of our imagination EVERY time. Celebrate your body (and let us do it, too)! You should of course still invest time and effort into being fit and healthy while also looking after your body. The main thing is to remember that you deserve all the fabulous man attention we are willing to throw at you.  Don't find ways to make us stop noticing the unique womanly thing in favor of you flaws.

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