
Your best friend has "game," and you should be a little worried!

The last person you think you have to worry about stealing your girlfriend is one of your best friends—the guys you've known forever, who has seen you at all your highest (and lowest) points. Right! think again!
BAD experience: My best friend (when I lived in Chicago) hit on my wife right after we got married... He claimed she miss understood. I knew better.... because I knew his moves and he had done it to other friends of ours.  He slept with his room-mates girl. OK...... she gave it up to him,as revenge,  after her man went back to his wife. But he should have refused out of loyalty to his friend! 

So you’re probably wondering why your girlfriend is always flirting with one of your best friends. Okay, maybe not always flirting, but she does seem to like him an awful lot. And why wouldn't she? Your girlfriend claims to adores you ( maybe), It’s the ‘birds of a feather’ concept. You are like your friends and your friends  many times are a lot like you—fun, charming, good looking. It only makes sense that she would connect with a few of those guys, too. 
BAD experienceMy best scenario was that I was always the youngest in the group (back in the day, not anymore.) With the better body, more athletic  etc. so I had an edge. (Once Again not anymore. )

They are flirting all the time.
  she’s your girlfriend, so the flirting will likely only be for fun—on both sides of the equation. Right! 
 So while you may not have to worry about your two favorite people running off together, it can’t hurt to figure out a little more about what makes your best friend so weirdly attractive. Here are five reasons she might be attracted to—or at least acting like she’s attracted to—your wing-man. BAD experience:  Alpha males, with a good  education,  above average  career,  great conversationalist, these things keep you moving forward, ahead of the pack of wolfs, so your boy is keep pace and she likes what she sees  how well  he is doing also.

He’s a lot like her
You choose your relationships based on compatibility, so it shouldn't be surprising to find out that your best friend and your girlfriend are shockingly similar. Your best friend is likely to have some of the same qualities and behavior patterns as your girlfriend, OK this giving me  the creeps, thinking about this, you might be an introverted, but feel more comfortable around friends who are extroverted. BAD experience: the strength of any relationship  with opposites.... often leads to more questions than answers. get the answers to you thoughts and relax, it's all good.    

If your girlfriend is also more of an extrovert, she’ll understand and relate to your best friend on a different level. But that doesn't mean she’s about to jump ship—remember, she’s with you because you complement those qualities in a way he can’t. but if she is an extrovert she might feel a little like having someone else be the "IT person", some of the time other than her.

It’s easier for her to relax around him
When she’s with you, she’s on her best behavior (most of the time), because she wants you to see her as a perfect, sexy, awesome girlfriend. But when she’s around your best friend, the pressure’s off. Face it—relationships aren't easy. They’re risky. They’re challenging. And they’re not all good times. If she’s into your best friend, it’s because she’s not dating him—she’s merely attracted. It’s a lot easier to feel attraction, flirt, and consider the possibilities than it is to dive in and actually be with someone for real. Making her see that he’s not all he’s cracked up to be means taking a chance. Let him spend time with her, and you’ll see if, and how much, she misses you. He’s the object of her attraction because he feels safe, but if she’s forced to hang out with him because you’re late to dinner, she’ll realize he’s not you!

She’s trying to impress you
She’s smart—she knows that if she wins over your friends, they’ll be her champions forever (especially in risky situations, like when you’re drunk at a bachelor party). Plus, she knows that you don’t want to hear her bashing your lifelong basketball buddy. She knows that one way to get closer to you is to acknowledge that you have great taste in friends. Seriously, would you be happier if she repeatedly told you how much she hated your best friend?  Because he is your best friend, it’s possible that you’re playing him up a lot—especially if you have a long history together. “You may not realize that you’re creating an award-winning ad campaign for him simply by singing his praises and including him whenever possible. Start opting out of his invitations every now and then, bringing other friends around, and sing the praises of others in addition to him. BAD experience: here is where problems can arise as you find yourself doubting her motives, she loves attention and as soon as she is not getting it  from you she may start trying to impress  your best friends.

He’s mysterious
Models, movie stars, and public figures are super attractive because you’re only given a shallow image of them to covet. Chances are, she thinks your best friend is pretty darn near perfect, because she’s never seen him at his worst. And, well, let’s just say she probably doesn't always see you at your best. So what she sees is a guy who’s a lot like her awesome boyfriend, but without all of her boyfriend’s flaws. Oops! become a better poker player!

This one’s easy to fix: Expose him for who he really is. the bastard needs come out from behind his mask.  Take her over to his apartment once in awhile, so she can see the stacks of dirty dishes and the refrigerator full of beer and protein bars. Give her an accurate description of him—tell her a funny story or two from your past—so she’s not only hearing about what a great guy he is. Just make sure you’re exposing his real-persona, not divulging his dirty secrets or openly bashing him. You want her to see him as a regular guy, OK not a loser but  one step above a loser... is cool).

She’s trying to make you jealous, by phone flirting
Some women think a little jealousy will keep a guy on his toes. she may be exaggerating her attraction to him to keep you working to win her over. Because she doesn't actually care about whether he’s attracted to her, it’s much easier for her to flirt and engage with him. Trying to make you jealous isn't a deal-breaker(at least it should not be), but that doesn't mean you should engage. The best thing you can do is to not become jealous and possessive. You can all enjoy doing some things together. But if she gives you reason to worry that she likes him as more than a friend, try arranging a date for him so you can double and nip those feelings in the bud. BAD experience: take her by the hand and  lead her to the dance floor, by dancing to these two  old cut the will send  the right message   this should set all you fairs to rest! and she will melt in your arms!

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