
What does LOVE have to do with it, maybe your Attitude has everything to do with it!

You want LOVE... But You have an attitude problem. The problem is NOT that you have a BAD ATTITUDE, the problem is that you DON'T have an attitude about the RIGHT THING. YOU. Let me  explain it from my  BAD perspective.

As  Women in the 21st Century you are  KNOWN to be strong, bold, sometimes opinionated. Known to STAND up and fight for what you want, what you believe in. Hands on hips, "put a man  in his place,"     "SET IT OFF", sit us men down...Yes attitude. Mess with your children. and you are Tiger moms. Mess with your Money. and you become the IRS. Mess with your family or your friends. Gang war! Attitude with the bank teller, attitude with the chick at the drive through  behind a glass window, take no mess. .... attitude with the day care provider, attitude with the child's teacher.... oh, You CAN put a person in their place with  quickness. Here is my QUESTION, WHERE IS THAT ATTITUDE, WHERE IS YOUR FEISTY WHEN IT COMES TO WHO YOU ARE AND HOW YOU ARE TO BE TREATED PROPERLY?
HMMM? Where is your attitude about "YOU"? I have watched the strongest, most intelligent, most beautiful  women back down, sit down and back up when it comes to dis-respect, mis-treatment, use and abused by  men who are not worthy of THEIR time. Where is your attitude when we stands you up ?( I say we  for maximum effect...I don't really mean me.. because I don't stand women up, cheat, or tell them  fibs )   Where is your attitude when men cheat, lie, consistently ?  You accept bad treatment, and want to have a pity party!
Where is the eyes rolling, hands on hip ATTITUDE when WE dares suggest SEX on the 2nd date, or starts SEXTING you before we even knows your FULL name ? When we ask you to Borrow your car or have you pay a bill for us ? You see ladies YOUR ATTITUDE problem is you NOT having an attitude about WHAT YOU DESERVE in a relationship. Your attitude problem is NOT knowing WHO YOU are and what YOU deserve. Your attitude problem is NOT stomping your FEET and shaking your FIST at the man who REFUSES to court you properly with R-E-S-P-E-C-T, treat you with kindness and make YOU a priority. Your attitude problem is NOT having a problem with the Word "BITCH..." or being with the married man who THINKS you should settle for his sloppy seconds. We men  have ATTITUDES that count. be cause we know we are King!.
When you KNOW who you ARE, you will NOT let anyone treat you like WHO you are NOT !! Get an attitude about YOUR WORTH. Get an attitude about what you DESERVE. Don't back DOWN, shake your finger, roll your NECK, stomp your FEET and get an ATTITUDE PROBLEM about "YOU" !
Foot note: I   tell women to "think like a lady and don't  act like a Man." do it better because you have the majority in very community, You can't compete with every the Chicas, who is showing the wrong Attitude, by doing the same things they are doing! .

Get it Right!
What's Love got to do with it...get the right Attitude! You can't find  Love if your Attitude is all Wrong!.

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