
The tables are turning and many women are now wanting to date younger men

Everyone knows how older men like to date younger women and many of my female friends in my age group  complain about this. Yet in recent years, the tables are turning and many women are now dating younger men. Naturally there are wonderful things about a romance with someone younger, as well as  a number of challenges. A lot depends on the age span and how much younger you are talking about.Personally as Lion my limit has been 20 years difference in the last 9 years.

The Pros: for women dating younger men.
- Youthful Enthusiasm. Ding, ding, ding Sometimes as you mature, you feel you've already been there, done that and got the T-shirt. When you repeat those same experiences again with a younger guy going through them for the first time, you get the benefit of his enthusiasm. You will feel young again, which is one of the biggest reasons for dating younger.

- Refreshing Perspective. As you move through life, you develop belief systems based on your experiences. Sometimes they limit your point of view without you realizing it. When you spend time with someone younger, you gain access to his fresh perspective. He can open your eyes to see things in a new light and inspire and energize you. A youthful outlook can be very refreshing!

- Bedroom Stamina. Hello he is at his best when he is young! Men's sex drive tends to decrease around the age that women's peak. With a younger man, you can enjoy his resilience, stronger libido and maybe find a better bedroom match.

Game on: I would bet that most women would love to pour a milk shake  down the front of blouse as some spill from her open mouth, and have a man catch it in his mouth as his head is in her lap looking up at her chin. (OK that just me. thinking outside the box in a BAD way!) 

- Adoration as He Looks Up to You. You can have that superior position for the first time in your life! Is there a bigger ego boost then a younger man who is captivated by you? I doubt it. Enjoying the adoration of an attractive, hot, young guy is tremendously exciting and good for the female soul. I'm sure even reading this now you can imagine the fun you could be having. Tina Turner got her  groove  back in her own youthful exuberance at 70 with a younger man.I guess She opened up to activities with him that she hadn't done in years maybe doing things like horseback riding, hiking and cross-country skiing I figure she would  report how much fun it was! In many ways, dating women in their mid  40(s) might  like revisiting their own youth and would  smile a lot more as a result

-He is Not Stuck in His Ways. As you age, you get into habits and sometimes getting into a rut for years. Often people get stuck in their ways regarding how they do things and what they are not willing to try. With a younger man, his habits are not as firmly entrenched which can make it easier to negotiate your relationship exploration options. Things like what time you eat meals or go to sleep at night, where you vacation and the type of activities you enjoy together. Many of my female friends in my age group  complain about how men their own age are very rigid about the way they live their lives. They tend to say "No" more often than "Yes" to trying something new. Youth can offer more flexibility, giving you greater options to explore together.

I have found that age does not matter as much as compatibility, become the main issue. When two people find the love they want, the difference in years becomes meaningless. If you just want to try dating a younger man, but aren't set on this for the long-term, what the heck — enjoy the ride for as long as it last!

My BAD perspective on the above is as follows:
Many women claim they can't find the right man for them when they are in their late 30(s) - 50(s)  I say He Can’t Find You Because You’re  HIDDEN!
He that findeth.. Some of you understand what that means. For the ladies who don’t get it, You can't be found if you are not making yourself available. You may have  all of the attributes a man is looking for but he will not know that unless, you  step out of your shell..
Believe it or not, Black men are actually saying that they can NOT find a woman in this dating environment of 12 women to ONE man. Men are actually single, good black men. Men are SEXING all over the place, but they are single. Why? Because they can’t FIND (key word FIND) a woman, a GOOD woman. You see, men are hunters, searchers and seekers. Men love the challenge of finding hidden treasure. The reason that they can’t find you is because you’re hidden as mature women. There is no mystic or mystery about you at all. There is nothing to “discover” or search for.  You can’t be found, because you are hidden in public. You’re not chased, because you NEVER in the running. You’re not won, because you’re not the PRIZE. 

I will continue next week with the "Cons for Women dating younger men."

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