
Read His Body Language Before You Date him.

How many times have you heard this? “Actions speak louder than words.” Indeed! Our body often gives away clues to what we are thinking, and this can especially be true when it comes to men. Most of the time we don’t even know that we are doing it!
Here are some Ways To Decode A Man’s Body Language:
My BAD perspective: Read his eyes, he is enjoying the personal attention you are giving him and     his attire!

He interested if… he is sitting next or near you in a way that his shoulders and chest are turned in your direction, even though he may be glancing at something else. My BAD perspective:  Now you see him glancing a you, but remember you can't see that he is glancing at you if you aren't  glancing at him.. so if your eyes lock do not let go of the glance  first he will read that as a green light, to approach you with confidence.

He may be interested in more than a date if… he looks at you intensively for more than 5 seconds. Unconsciously or consciously, he is trying to seduce you. My BAD perspective: the look of lust can be confused with the look of Love at first glance. Make sure you are not reading too much into how he looks at you from a distance wait till he is closeup. Hint hint.... is his tongue still in his mouth?

He thinks you’re cute if… he grins or gives you  half smiles.  He is interested, but he isn't sure how much yet.  My BAD perspective: So he is not sure and your girlfriend is also making eyes at him you might want to check who he is really looking at. 

He is interested if… he does if he hits you with eyebrow flash. He lifts and lowers his eyebrows when he looks at you, but it happens pretty fast. My BAD perspective: OK this so Old school. this is so not cool anymore. You look silly doing that eyebrow raise nonsense .Looks  like you having Tourette Syndrome  or something.

 He is trying to unconsciously show his sexual interest if… he hangs his thumb off his pants waist or pocket and touches his belt buckle. You got it… We are pointing down there!My BAD perspective: these are hints ???? but they really don't mean anything if you don't react. 

He wants YOU to come after him if… he offers a smooth grin with one side of his mouth slightly raised. He is interested, but wants you to make the first move. Go get him Cougar!

However what we men need to be aware of is.

She’s Just An Emotional Pimp – How Women Use Men.

Men are always getting a bad rap for their pursuit of sex. We are dogs, selfish, and just plain old disgusting pigs who will do plenty of wrong things  to get some booty. If sex was a job, then many men would gladly apply…wait, it is job and it’s called porn. Moving along, we are just despicable and many of us  will simply use women for our sexual benefit. Now what about the women? Why are they getting a free pass for the crap they do. I mean it is hard for me to say with a straight face that women  use men for just sex. Only because most of us men would welcome the opportunity to be used sexually so it isn't really anything most of us will take issue with. What many women do is take advantage of men who desire them by taking free meals, benefits, time spent chasing, emotions blackmail, and our listening ear. In essence these women are what I like to call an “Emotional Pimp!”.

You see many women get mad at men for taking advantage of their interest and using it to turn their hopes of a serious relationship into convenient sex. A lot of women just refuse to realize and acknowledge when women do the same thing in principle to get the things they desire or value. What I'm saying is that in many cases folks are valued equally to their respective genders. Basically if a man uses a woman just for some sex, and then leaves her high and dry, she will be hurt. She will feel like she wasted her time, she will feel violated, and now her guard is up even more when the next guy comes around. Well guess what, when a woman uses a man who is interested in her for his time, emotions, free benefits, etc. That man will be hurt.....also, feel violated, and now he also will be more guarded with the next woman. 
Just another BAD perspective!

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