
Here are 6 tips for couples

According to the Small Business Administration, there are more than 28 million small businesses in the US of America. These small businesses employ half of the working population, with 52% of them being home-based, and many of these being run by couples. Husband and wife teams, successfully established their own home-based business.
Here are 6 tips for couples to increase the likelihood of having a successful home-based business together:  My Bad perspective: this will also build harmony in your marriage.
1. Be a team. When going into business together, it is important that couples make the commitment to also be a team for their business. Being a team and being on the same page about it is crucial. This means doing things that will better the business, including avoiding petty arguments that will slow progress and growth. My Bad perspective: Here is Why ( I believer) couples, have  problems in the 21st century of building a business  together is because, men  may not be willing to accept the role of being equal partners with their wives, or taking  on the role of second in command or  being her subordinate.
2. Define roles. Each individual will bring his or her own set of strengths to the partnership. Define roles based on what you do best and most enjoy doing. Each person should be responsible for something and be the boss of a particular area.. My Bad perspective: Couples, have a problem defining roles not because they can't relate to each other, but because who would accept new roles in the relationships... (personally and in business).  Who is better at something than the other....especial when you are raising kids. Nix the age old  labeling of that is "a man's job," and that is "a woman's responsibility."
3. Be respectful. Just as people who work together in offices outside of their marriage need to be respectful of one another, so too do couples. Give each other the same respect that would be given to co-workers in any other setting.  My Bad perspective: here again is where it gets tricky, RESPECT your better half... that's right I said it ( not tongue in cheek) we men, respect our wives when we have to. But practice makes perfect.. if you practice having respect for each other you will become really good at it. Can you think of anything more important. If a man says: "she is the best at what she does" and the woman says:" he is the best at what he does"    
4. Take breaks. Since there is a couple involved, not everything can be all work. It is important to break away from the duties and work and have some fun, take some breaks, and leave it all behind. Plan a lunch outing once a week where no work is discussed.  My Bad perspective: power couples need to have fun and relax together. 

5. Use humor. When challenges do arise, it will help if they are approached with humor. There are always going to be hurdles for anyone to cross and work their way around. But using humor can make things much more bearable.  My Bad perspective: look out. here comes that train... into 'the station of sensitivity' make sure that humor becomes a LOL, LMAO, "tell me that joke about me again.But  Make sure you don't embellish to make it BAD humor. "

6. Consider offices. If possible, consider having separate home offices. This gives everyone their own space and then you can come back together to discuss work items.  My Bad perspective: having space to operate is key, because my desk (like most men) is  a random access area. (this works for me because it forces me to remember where I last saw a item I now need).. while  My ladies desk might be  perfectly organized. so sharing the same space, can be come problematic. she will frown at your messy desk, while you ( as a man) will be reminded <smirking>. that her space looks great, but she may still have moments when she can't find where she hid  something from herself in the name of having order and  being totally  organized.   

OK maybe, just maybe,  if couples could apply these 6 simple  tips into other part of their relationships more that 52% of couples would have successful personal relationships as couples.

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