
Your life should not be wasted with Jokers!

Most women want to play their role in a relationship but she shouldn't be expected to submit to a man with no mission. But it's her responsibility to differentiate the real men from the boys. A woman can't call herself, "Queen" if she keeps choosing jokers!
I don’t think women have issues with men who want to date and have sex with other women; I think they have issues with men who lie about it. The one thing we should all avoid is the reputation of being a liar. There’s something really cool about running into your ex and embracing him or her knowing you treated each other with dignity and respect.
 ~ Michael Baisden

These assets  are just luxuries
My perspective: We can always use examples from  history to best determine what is right for us-- i.e. Some of our grand parents were in committed relationships and where not legally married.. Modern times, starting  in 1960 and beyond , changed things as women wanted more security and felt they should have more. Many women  preferred marriage. and gave men ultimatums. "Marry me or we are done!"  however with the divorce rate being 50% of marriage ending in dissolution of  unions these days. we need to take a hard look at what could work better in some cases for us. Accumulation of assets have become the greatest problem. The more we acquire the greater  the problems. We all want to have our cake and be able to eat your slices  off of your plate. Men have lost ground  financially , except for celebrities and sports figures... and a few entrepreneurs... but for the most part women are in better financial standings than men. so point me to  which woman  will be willing to share her assets in  marriage without a prenup. but men might be willing to have a post-nuptial agreement. this is rare.. and by the  time the legal docs are signed  the desire to stay together might fade already. simply because negotiation seldom makes parties feel that sharing is a good thing. Complicated matters such as asset division can make folks start feel less loved and therefore not very loving. So  don't complicate it by focusing on  "what can you do for me.. " if you are not willing to do for yourself by yourself or built it together in equitable partnerships you are not heading into forever after.  Maybe an  Old school  song may say it best  

Surface - Only you can Make me Happy


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