
Is it Love or is it Toxic!

Did you have to be so brutally honest?

For me it means, you can't have a deep healthy relationship or know if you are truly compatible without completely transparency. Refusing to go into detail about outside people is dishonesty, hiding your true fears is a receipt for failure and an omission is a lie. What do you think? ~ Michael Baisden.
The following are some of the most important things you should pay attention to in order

to differentiate true love and toxic love.

Engage in Self-development
In true love this is a very important thing for both partners, because both should
want the best for each other.
On the other hand, in toxic love the primary interest is the relationship and
the partners are more interested in the superficial aspects of the relationship.
Separate interests
In true love, both partners have different interests and they are both comfortable
with that. Whether it is different friends, goals or hobbies, they will be comfortable
with spending time separated to do the things they love.
In toxic love, the partners are too involved with each other’s behaviors,
and will never go anywhere. Out of fear that something will interrupt
their agenda while separated. They feel dependent on each other.
i.e a codependent relationship.
In true love, both partners are comfortable with accepting and cherishing
their partner’s individuality.
In toxic love, they are trying to change the partner to be a completely
different person just to suit their needs and fit their image of the perfect partner.

In true love, partners are completely comfortable with their intimacy because
their relationship is based on love, trust, care and friendship.
In a toxic relationship, you may feel that sex is too much pressure, and it can even
make you feel insecure because you don’t want to do something your partner requires
of you and you are not comfortable with telling them.
In true love, partners will try to make every conversation constructive, whether they
agree or disagree about something, because they want to understand each other and
also help each other.
In toxic love, most conversations are based on blaming, manipulating or

defending your partner to others.

Final thoughts:
Once you recognize the difference will you do the right thing for yourself.
Will you want to Run to ... or run away?

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