
So how do you really feel about Cheating?

OK here comes my disclaimer... I copied the following comments  from a news report, the italic text are my comments on the subject
Based on the tabloids and your prime time channel lineup, it would seem like cheating and open relationships are borderline trendy right now. But regardless of how popular it is on shows like "Mistresses" and "Satisfaction," how do people really feel about these less-than-traditional takes on happily ever after? A new survey by USA Network aimed to find out, and the results aren't exactly good news for the hopeless romantics out there.

Here are  my thoughts about what is NOT real: The TV series"Scandal" ,is steamy to say the least. Combine the images of hot sexy scenes  of a black woman in the oval office with the Republican President who has a gay chief of staff and you have the makings of fantasy, come alive before our eyes weekly! so is that your idea of real in the 21st Century.
Check out some of these surprising insights below:
Cheating is Wrong--Unless You Don't Get Caught
When it comes to cheating, it seems there's a huge double standard. Eighty-two percent (82%) of people polled said they have zero tolerance for cheating in their relationships; yet almost the exact same percentage--81 percent--also said they would cheat if there were zero consequences. Well, to be fair, we'd do a lot of things if there were zero consequences...
MY BAD perspective:
I remember when I got caught cheating on a history  test in 5th grade (could not remember the   dates of historical stuff I could not relate to). I felt pretty bad, not because I did something wrong, but because I got caught. My teacher sent me to the principals office and I got punished, big time. That became  a deterrent for me from that point on. I figured out that the chance of getting caught doing wrong things  got my heart  racing, but  when I studied, for the test, it was not the case. you see cheating caused  an Adrenalin rush. this works well during sex.Extra blood pumping to areas were you need it most, this  makes secret forbidden  sex  exciting and 
Oooh so good.

Certain Kinds of Cheating Are Kind of Allowed!      Meanwhile, a little more than half of people said they believe there are justifiable reasons to stray, whether driven by extreme unhappiness in a relationship or if the infidelity occurs with a celebrity crush. (Remember that next time you run into Ryan Gosling at Whole Foods!) Interestingly, the most accepted reason to justify cheating was to get back at a significant other who was unfaithful first. Since when do two cheating spouses lead to a happy relationship?

MY BAD perspective:
I would like to get into the heads of folks who have fantasies about the unobtainable.  You see we want what we see, until we get it. a Celebrity is unobtainable until we get with them and we find out. that without their makeup artist they are just everyday  flesh and blood, nothing special. They may  even be.... below average in looks. I saw a good friend ( a supermodel back in the day) without make up all the time and never got excited about her, but when she did her Vogue cover I said: "OMG she is sooo  fine and  hot." but my girl friend at the time (the supermodel's  room mate) rocked my world in more ways than her super model friend ever could. Why? simple.....  because I  was in-love. so if you are not in-love with the person you are in the relationship with you are always going to see someone else on the horizon as more ecstatically, erratically,  enthusiastically pleasing to your senses.   
Technology Makes Cheating Easier
One thing was very clear in this study, which was that technology, from Tinder to texting, has definitely made it easier and more tempting to cheat, as 86 percent of those polled confirmed. And just because it starts online, that doesn't mean it'll stay there: Only 31 percent admitted to straying in a "digital though not physical" relationship. If you fear Facebook's affect on your fidelity, check out five tips for preventing social media from wrecking your relationship.

MY BAD perspective:
OK, I wrote computer code for over 20+ years, so I never get excited about Technology and what it grants us these days. This is why I don't play games on tablet's, smart phones or PC(s).  Because I'm playing against another Programmers logic.... I hate losing..... so if I don't win , I think the other programmer was smarter than I was. This  does not sit well with me. People, these days, use technology as  excuses to justify their behaviors... Like " the Devil made me do it" now it's:  " Technology tempted me to cheat" you had it in your mind all along, Technology just facilitated it.    

It's (Mostly) Harmless to Fantasize
So what about those types of affairs that don't actually end up in the bedroom? Are they considered cheating, or are they simply fantasies? Interestingly, while 19 percent of men and 13.5 percent of women admitted they've developed romantic feelings for someone they follow online but don't know in real life, 48 percent of those polled also said they don't feel any guilt about fantasizing about someone else. Still, falling for someone outside your relationship is a recipe for disaster; check out these three signs you're an emotional cheater to get your head straight.

MY BAD perspective:
Here we go again, when I read a book without  pictures, I imagine the characters and the plot...etc. so I create how the character look . That is fantasy to me. If I see a person's picture then she or he  is not fantasy.. the picture is now  an image of a real person. Who BTW  may have tons of hidden flaws, stupid ideas, idiotic  behavioral patterns etc..... I'm Not turned on by that at all. I guess if I see people just as imperfect..... as I am.... I have less to get really excited about.  Because they will never be perfect!   
Monogamy May Not Be Realistic
The majority of people in the survey agreed that monogamy is a "social expectation but not a biological reality," while 45 percent of people said that multiple long-term partners would be more realistic. And interestingly, one out of five men prefer a "monogamish" relationship...though we're not entirely sure what that entails.

MY BAD perspective:
Monogamy is a choice, a conscious choice that becomes a subconscious program that kick-starts when engaged. You see, I think like a programmer who understands subroutines, they are only activated when needed. it's placed in a compartment in my brain. for example I don't walk around riding a bike in my conscious mind. but when I step onto the peddle of the bike My mind engages that section of my subroutines  (subconscious program) called " ride a bike." My balance kicks in, my motor skills kick in . If you think about monogamy as a subroutine you activate when dangerous  images cross your mind (that will remind you that you are now off balance). it will engaged every time someone tempts you, the subroutine takes over.. you maintain your balance and avoids falling.  . 
But don't let these stats bum you out--the network only polled 1,000 people, so it's possible that not everyone shares these beliefs. If you're worried about infidelity affecting your relationship, check out these factors that may predict cheating, plus what to do if it happens to you.

MY BAD perspective:
LOL. If you need others to tell you that you are about to  screwing up your life..... you are already in trouble!     BIG time!

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