
Can his love break down her walls

Or will she end up brokenhearted, because she wants what's not in the cards for her?

Keep It.... Real. These Are Things You Should Stop Chasing in Your Life.

Most of us have chased one thing in life for too long, that it consumed
a lot of our time and energy just to slip away from our fingers. Instead
of stopping there, we continue chasing it and investing even more time
and effort without being aware of the consequences on our well-being.
However, it is very important to stop and reevaluate our goals and plans
to determine whether they are worth chasing. Instead of focusing entirely
on impossible dreams, try to spend more time working for the things you
really need.

1. Stop chasing “the ultimate dream” Having dreams is important, and this doesn’t mean you need to stop following them. However, we are often preoccupied with other people’s thoughts and achievements that it is difficult to figure out our own needs and dreams. Instead of chasing the dream other people have, make sure you focus towards the things you want and that will make you happy.

2. Stop chasing money. Money can’t buy you happiness and being rich does not necessarily mean you will be happy. Sure, money is important for survival as well as for getting comfort in life, but it is not worth damaging your health or wasting years of your life you will never get back.

3. Stop chasing attention. Nowadays lots of people are so obsessed by social media and they constantly seek validation and attention from others. If you want help, ask for it by your friends, don’t post about it on social media. Or, if you want to talk with someone or express yourself, personal contact is always a better option.

4. Stop chasing validation. Other people’s opinion about you should never be the base of your opinion about yourself. There will always be people who will not like you without a particular reason. That doesn’t mean you should care about them as long as you understand and accept yourself. Never forget who you are and never let anyone take control over your happiness. Love yourself and be happy with who you are, and someone will love you back for the same reason.

5. Stop chasing happiness. Happiness is an abstract term that is perceived in a different way by different people. It is everywhere around us as long as we want to see it. You don’t have to miss the point of the trip when searching for happiness, because it is not at the end of it, instead it is along the entire journey.

6. Stop chasing the past. As long as you keep looking back at the past you will never be able to move forward. It is behind and it is meant to teach you a lesson, but you should learn from it and close that chapter. You will never be able to focus on the present or future if you keep reminding yourself of the things that already finished.
Is his attention real or just superficial?

Final thoughts. We men are often searching for that "one in a Million, woman"... so when she appears in your scope... if it's.... mutual we should make up our minds based on both folks attributes. Don't play games by continuing to seek the things..... which will come your way with him/her in your life, not someone else who is not worthy of the investment!

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