
Watch Me Disappear!

The misconception that some folks have is that things last forever. Everything has an expiration date. You can continue to fool yourselves if you choose. But there are does of us who know better! Nothing last forever. If you are stuck in a rut.... it has an expiration date, if you are experiencing euphoria in your current love relationship it also has an expiration date. 

So Why are relationships so hard today? Why do we fail at love every time, despite trying so hard? Why have humans suddenly become so inept at making relationships last? Have we forgotten how to love? Or worse, forgotten what love is?
Why Modern Day Relationships are Falling Apart So Easily Today
Why are modern day relationships falling apart so easily?

We're not prepared. We're not prepared for the sacrifices, for the compromises, for the unconditional love. We're not ready to invest all that it takes to make a relationship work. We want everything easy. We're quitters. All it takes is a single hurdle to make us crumble to our feet. We don't let our love grow, we let go before time.
Why Modern Day Relationships are Falling Apart So Easily Today
I'm feeling some apprehension
 on your part here!
It's not real love we're looking for, only excitement and thrills in life. We want someone to watch movies and party with, not someone who understands us even in our deepest silences. We spend time together, we don't make memories. We don't want the boring life. We don't want a partner for life, just someone who can make us feel alive right now, this very instant. When the excitement fades, we discover nobody ever prepared us for the mundane. We don't believe in the beauty of predictability because we're too blinded by the thrill of adventure.
Why Modern Day Relationships are Falling Apart So Easily Today
What do you mean?  I just wanted to use you? 
That's not true I love you!

We immerse ourselves in the in-consequential stuff of the city life, leaving no space for love. We don't have time to love, we don't have the patience to deal with relationships. We're busy people chasing materialistic dreams and there's no scope to love. Relationships are nothing more than convenience.
Final thoughts
As I was listing to the song below by Aretha Franklin and Michael McDonald. I got to thinking about all the missed opportunities that happen because of things we were all too focused on which were the wrong things. Relationships can have temporary expiration dates, so just like...... how you are now treating them with false expectations... create real experiences that can last!

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