
So tell me What’s Love got to do with it

Falling in love is like springtime. We feel as though we will be happy forever.
We cannot imagine not loving our new Love interest. It is a time of innocence,
and play time. Love seems eternal. It is a magical time when everything seems to be the perfect fit.
We effortlessly dance together in harmony and rejoice in our good fortune.
But then We start arguing more and more. We start questioning; why are we even together?

Only time will tell.

Oooh, wait! Then comes the summer of our love relationship when we realize
that is no longer our new love interest, it's not as perfect as we thought,
and we have to work on our relationship full time.
Not only is our partner from another planet, but he or she is also a human who makes
mistakes and is flawed in certain cases in many ways.
Frustration and disappointment arise; weeds (bad habits) need to be uprooted and plants
need extra watering under the hot sun. It is no longer easy to give love and get the love we need.
We discover that we are not always happy, and we do not always feel loving.
It is not our picture of what “Love is.
Many couples at this point become disillusioned. They do not want to work on a relationship,
that is flawed, and may not last. They unrealistically expect it to be springtime all the time.
They blame their partner unjustly for everything and begin to give up.
They do not realize that love is not always easy; sometimes it requires hard work under a hot sun.
Less than desired conditions. In the summer season of love, we need to nurture our partner’s
needs as well as ask for and get the love we need. It doesn’t happen automatically.
Our crazy idea is if it’s meant to be it will happen naturally.

As a result of tending the garden during the summer (hot and sticky conditions),
we get to harvest the results of our hard work. Fall (Autumn) has come. It is a golden time --
rich and full filling. Couples experience a more mature love that accepts and understand their partner’s imperfections as well as their own. It is a time of thanksgiving and sharing.
Having worked hard during summer couples can relax and enjoy the fruits of their labor the love they have created. They have weathered the hard times

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