
Your ridiculous expectations will cause disappointments

If you are dealing with a child you should be careful not to create false expectations. A Child will not handle it very well maybe even throw a temper tantrum. Because a child doesn’t handle disappointments very well, that's to be expected. But adults should not lose their cool when they are disappointed because their expectations were off the charts, and therefore were not met.
Men have put themselves in awkward positions as they lead women on with false and fake hopes of buying them things they have no means to grant them which can lead to women becoming unreasonable. And the result is women will show their true colors.
Maybe you need to test your thoughts on a special occasion just to see what will happen.

If she is expecting you to do what she has always dreamed of having someone do for her then it’s not totally the man’s fault if he comes up a bit short. Her expectations may not match up well with what he can deliver.

I recall the story told to me by a pilot, he knew that. The  Minister of Transportation was showing off to his new woman, side-chick, that he would take her on a flight in a private plane. She had been waiting for months. But he never delivered. So she met a guy who was a pilot (the guy who told me the story). And he told her he would send a private jet to get her and bring her to a carnival celebration on another Island. He contacted the other pilot friend, who was flying one leg charter to the Island and asked him to bring the woman back with him on his return. She told all her friends and family that a private jet was coming to get her on said date. And the Jet would be waiting for her on the runway. When the minister of Transportation heard about this... he lost his mind... and went to the air traffic controllers tower and ordered him to “Stop that plane from taking off.” He went down to the aircraft and ordered her to get off the jet. She refused because she was not letting him manhandle her as everyone was looking at them from the lookout area. He was a married man and a sitting minister. He could not afford to make too much of a spectacle of himself so he had no choice but to grant the plane it’s take off. he must have felt like such a fool.
SMDH, never boast about doing what you have no intention of delivering, to a woman... promises are not really meant to be broken. Someone else might just deliver and you will be left looking totally annoyed!
Just a bowl of M &M nuts? Seriously? the flight is more than an hour!

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