
togetherness looks different when you are a mature couple

We thought that being together for this many years would be almost impossible!
There were times that we almost called it quites.
When a man admires (loves) a woman, for years he tries to do the things that could make her smile. That is because her smile is magical, in his minds eye she will always be beautiful no matter how many years  they are together.
When a woman has moments that she is not sure if she loves her man. She ignores his simple actions that she did not like, for example: he remembers her birthday and let's her know that her special days, are  days that he took notes, not to remind her that she is getting older, but to celebrate their years together.  He tries  not to upset her days, however if he did at some point in time he tries to makeup for it multiple times.

Young couples do not seem to have the patience to do the important little things to keep a relationship afloat.

Here are

1. Always keep your word - if you make a promise, keep it.

2. Respect women - treat them with dignity and respect.

3. Take care of your appearance - dress appropriately and maintain good hygiene.

4. Be honest - don't lie or deceive you woman.

5. Show respect for elders - listen to their advice and guidance.

6. Be loyal - stand by your  family.

7. Be responsible - take ownership of your actions and their consequences.

8. Be self-sufficient - learn to take care of yourself  We sometimes make our decision to forgive based on the amount of hurt we experienced. A small offense is easier to forgive. But when something pierces our hearts, that’s another story. And yet, God tells us we are to forgive as he forgave us. That means we must forgive like he did. Did we deserve forgiveness? No, we didn’t. And yet, Jesus forgave us. We’re supposed to forgive.

9. Learn to forgive - holding grudges only hurts you in the long run.

10. Be humble - don't brag or boast about your accomplishments.

11. Be patient - good things come to those who wait.

12. Don't be a bully - treat others with kindness and compassion.

13. Be a good listener - pay attention to what others are saying.

14. Be a good communicator - express yourself clearly and effectively.

15. Be confident - believe in yourself and your abilities.

16. Act with integrity - do the right things, even when no one is watching.

17. Be disciplined - have self-control and focus on your goals.

18. Show gratitude - appreciate the people and things in your life.

19. Be open-minded - consider different perspectives and ideas.

20. Be a lifelong learner - never stop growing and improving yourself.

The mood is sometimes tense. You were caught off guard, and before you know it your first thought is not to keep silent. You are not interested in thinking carefully before you respond, so instead, you react. And it’s not good. Has this ever happened to you?

We sometimes make our decision to forgive based on the amount of hurt we experienced. A small offense is easier to forgive. But when something pierces our hearts, that’s another story. And yet, we know we are to forgive as others may have forgiven  us. Did we deserve forgiveness? WELL No, we didn’t. And yet, we were  forgiven We’re supposed to forgive that is what keeps us together.

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