
Men may try but they can't succeed in some cases

Ladies we men can't fill a need you can't define! It is impossible to catch and hold on to a cloud. 
Women like it when men cater to their needs, not necessarily all their wants.
When a woman has a man who takes care of her physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually, that's when you get the best version out of her. And when you get the best version of her, she's going to contribute to your growth because she now has a solid man in her life who she knows she can depend on, and she's no longer just in survival mode. She can now flourish in her feminity and she will be your backbone, so to speak. 

But if you're going to do wrong to her, just know that a woman becomes a true reflection of how you treat her. And if you don't like how she's acting, look at how you're treating her. If You are taking good care of her, this helps her take better care of you. 

A man can think he has woman on lock while laying next to her every night but her mind  might  be elsewhere. And it's not like she didn't try, she gave you her all in the relationship in the beginning and was very patient with you. She verbalized what she wasn't happy about and you refused to work on it. She was sticking around because of that little bit of hope that you might change and do better. Especially if you have children.

But you best believe she might have already checked out mentally, and once you lose her mind, the body soon follows.  Women leave mentally way before they leave physically. You might have to do backward flips to please her if she checked out!

What does incremental change look like?
It's change that will last so much longer, if you stick to doing the right things.
The richness of your promise has not run out yet.
Talk about her health, happiness, and prosperity to her.
Make all her valued friends feel that there is power inside them also, not just in your woman.
Be optimistic  and look at life's sunnier side.
Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best.
Be just as enthusiastic  regarding the success of others as you are about your own.
Forget  the mistakes of the past and press forward to the greater achievements of the future.
Wear a cheerful countenance at all times and greet every living creature with a warm smile. Women like cheerful looking men.
Give so much time to improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize  others
Be too positive  for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to allow the presence of trouble.
Raise your consciousness, live up to your divine potential  regardless of outer circumstances. Do all the above and you will be appreciated by almost every person in your life.
Approval, praise,and love are the great motivator.
The ego craves appreciation and recognizes appreciation, receives pleasure from the approval of others. When we are patted on the back, we feel happy and worthy 
A woman does not want a pat  on the Back she needs security. and intimacy.
if it rains shelter her, if the sun is very hot shelter her from the rays also.

Final thoughts 
What you give to her she will appreciate, unless you didn't really mean to give it. Love feels better to give, than to expect to receive it. Push your ego aside!  We usually see things not, as they are but as we are!

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