
Not Trusting is never really unwarranted

A  quick little story about a prosperous young Wall Street broker met and fell in love with a stunning fashion model.He frequently  escorted her about town, hoping to secure her hand in marriage one day.But being a cautious guy, he decided that before proposing to her, he would have a private investigator check her background and present her activities. After all, he reminded himself, I have both a growing fortune and reputation to protect against a marital misadventure. He requested that the agency not reveal his identity to the investigator filing the report on the bride-to-be. In due  time the investigator submitted his findings. It said the fashion model had an unblemished past, a spotless reputation, and her friends were all of the highest
 reputation also
The report concluded, "the only shadow is that she is often seen around lower Manhattan  in the company of a young broker of dubious business practices  and principles." 
In his effort to uncover her shortcomings, the young broker exposed his own flaws.

Final thought.
A beautiful and special woman could have a past that a guy with a unscrupulous mind might question everything about her. Based on his own behaviors he knows he is not totally trustworthy so he is on the lookout that he might get scammed by her. If his suspicious nature does not recognize a good woman he might in time destroy what could have been an ideal union.

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