
why are they so critical of black female exceptional athletes

Well maybe because these ladies might produce future offspring athletes. And keep on inspiring excellence.
I saw a post about Stephi Graf the other day ,I don't remember hearing or seeing anything but praise next to her name.
So why when I read about the five ladies posted above there is a list of nonsense about them. Even when there are complements about their achievements there is  an undertone of negative stuff. SMDH.
Will this negativity ever change?
I sincerely hope it does our future exceptional  black women and men deserve to be appreciated to the max!
Take Sha Cari as an example the comment were along the line that she was never going to beat the Jamaican females Ina race. Well she has improved to the point where she is at their level now.
I can go down the list but I will not.
They said that Edwin Moses was not that great. But I believe his record still stands. Wow so not much has changed since his days?

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