
we are being delusional, sometimes.

"The most lonely place in the World is the human heart when love is absent"
Heartbreak will not just pass, it may get to the point when it hurts less. But as long as the memory still can surface every  now and then it will still hurts.
Ask her in 20 years if it still hurts, I bet she will reply " Yes it still hurts"

Let's face it.
Without truth, there can't be trust.without trust, there can be no permanent relationship.without a relationship, the chances of achieving success decrease dramatically. Isn't it interesting how the trio of truth  trust, and relationships  are tied so closely to proper communication?

"nothing in the World can work if you are not the architect"

Final thoughts. 
If you expect somebody else to guide you, you maybe remain lost.
One day a traveler in a remote  town, convinced that she was on the wrong road, came to a halt in a village
 Calling one of the villagers to the car window, and said. " friend, I need help. I am lost. The villager looked at her for a moment Do you know where you are? He asked.....yes said the traverler.I saw the name of your town as I entered. the villager nodded his head. Do you know where you want to be?
Yes  the traveler replied, and named her destination. The village looked away for a moment. You are not lost  you just need directions. He said.
It doesn't take much to find the high road to success the path that leads life's most precious treasures and thruiphant possibilities. But to discover those joys and feel zest for the future, you desperately need directions. Your life can't go according to plan if you have no plan.with a plan the confusion can be pierced. Emotionally speaking many of us are in the same position as the traveler  we know where we are sometimes disappointed, and disillusioned, we just need to make the most of our life by planning our moves  and working our plan
Like the traveler we are not lost we just need directions. 

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