
Does Casual Sex Take You Further Away From Your Ideal Partner?

When you give your time, energy and body to a person who is emotionally unavailable and/or doesn’t meet your standards, it only moves you farther away from your ideal partner, not closer.
This sex question is a dilemma for many single adults, especially women. “Do I satisfy my sexual needs until I find a significant other,” they ask, “or do I save myself?” Some of you are probably laughing to yourselves and thinking, save myself for what? Most women are learning to use men for sex the same way men use women, and some of them are better at it than us. But the question is, does having casual sex and being “Kinda Single” make you more or less likely to find someone who wants more than sex? It may not matter to you, but I can promise you it matters to us men.
Men also have to address this issue of having casual sex. Mature men know there’s no such thing, especially if the woman is exclusive to him and/or the sex is on a regular basis. There’s always a price for sex, whether it’s time, money or conversation to hear about how her day went. We all pay a price, the biggest being the possibility of missing out on a good thing because we’re settling for the easy and familiar thing. When you give your time, energy and body to a person who is emotionally unavailable and/or doesn’t meet your standards, it only moves you farther away from your ideal partner, not closer.
If you want a better chance at lifetime happiness, sometimes you have to let go of “in the meantime” satisfaction!
By Michael Baisden
My goal is to never ever let your feet touch the ground!

My perspective: when you are a mature person Just Do Not  do things you will regret later, settling is always settling. when you settle you lay down "air roots" your feet are never on solid ground. What could be better than finding that right person to spend your life with? Falling in love and maintaining a healthy relationship is probably number one on most people’s bucket list. Unfortunately, even the happiest of couples have their share of ups and downs. The major difference between couples who are able to weather the storm when times are rough and those who abandon ship comes down to a few simple rules.

Everyone has expectations they want to have fulfilled. Openly discussing them with your partner, as well as being clear about what you want from the relationship is important. Being 100 percent honest from day one will help to avoid major conflicts later on.

This is probably the golden rule in any relationship. Giving your partner respect and conducting yourself in a manner that earns respect can make or break even the happiest of relationships. Although it may be difficult when conflicts arise, showing respect during a disagreement will help resolve issues peacefully.

Everyone needs a little TLC from time to time. Be attentive to your partner’s needs, and try to put yourself in their shoes. Seeing things from their point of view sheds an entirely different light on a sticky situation. Define  " Killing me softly" in a new way!


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