
”Happiness Isn’t Magic…It’s always your Choice!”

We all know how hard it is to create and maintain happiness and most of us at some point in our lives do obtain it, but the problem is we don’t protect it! Take my advice, once you find someone who adds to your happiness, once you find a goal that motivates you, once you get into a routine of living healthy, thinking positive, and having peace, guard it like a precious jewel.
Some people are just plain old negative so stop trying to convert them. When they are ready to graduate to the next level you’ll see the change in them the way they saw your light shinning. Until then, live in your bubble of happiness and stop sharing your dreams with dream killers.
 ~ Michael Baisden

My perspective: Many folks live their lives expecting miracles, they believe that someone else will bring them many blessings ( added value happiness) into their live. They sit around waiting for it! Instead of trying to be a blessing to others, they expect it to be brought to them. The fact that the past will always be your experiences...... is noted... we all have a past. However what separates " magic" from "choice" is that magic requires trickery and optical illusions, that makes you believe what is happening is real time, whereas Choice requires a person to look at the facts and make a decision to go right, left or straight ahead, because going in reverse, while looking straight  ahead causes more hurt  and anxiousness than the  past experiences themselves, ever did.  

Just think about the possibilities, and smile about the thoughts these new experiences  could bring,  you choose, it is possible that someone could  bring  that "added value" to you.... they are  just waiting  for you to  let go of the past. Now  that is the Magic you should be looking forward to,  the magic of  self determination. Your Choice  is always the best choice! Make it REAL, and forget  about the optical illusions of magic trickery.    
I like to say that I am an astute observer of good relationships, Now that I'v been divorced for almost a decade now. My mom and dad were married for 45 years, when my mom passed away.  I was married for half that time. I was surrounded by couples who have also been together for many years. these are my observations to keep a woman happy. 

 Affirm her daily.  Tell her she looks great when she leaves for work. send her out the door with a  hug, a kiss, a love note .(OK text msgs would also do), Make sure she get's it  after she is at work.  Do  some of these things again when you see her later at home. Let others know that you're proud she's your special Lady. Brag about how you love it when she licks her lips when you  cook  her favorite food, or if she has a job  where she has to be a leader of  others, brag about her leadership ability . Hold her hand in Public. Escort her like a gentleman. Get her a drink at parties. Most of all, tell her you love her and show her that you do.  Keep her safe and warm! 

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