
I'm not saying this to shake you up I’m just saying this to wake you up

"It’s all good when we’re making love.... All I ask is don’t take our love for granted…”~ Lil Wayne

On more than one occasion some of us have found ourselves in less than perfect relationships .i.e. You have been in relationships where you  felt like you  were being taken for granted and  even ignored...

"You never want to come with me to any of my functions, 
you would rather wash dishes  Seriously?"

If  you were 100% committed to the union, but continued to accept a lackluster 50% commitment from your  mate. There were countless times where you’d want you significant other’s love, support and affection, only to be greeted with a “We’re going to see each other later, so I don’t need to check on you during the day,” or a “You know corporate functions aren’t my thing, so I’m just gonna chill at the crib.”
Few emotions are worse than the feeling of being taken for granted. You pour your heart and soul into making a relationship work, endure sacrifices that sometimes include forsaking your own happiness for that of another, only to come up short on the receiving end.
Will he even notice my new hair  style?
Often women stay longer than necessary, in hopes of one day being able to look back on this period as one that you've “got through together.” Hope is the main reason why you hold on to toxic relationships. It’s the one emotion greater than fear, and in my opinion, the most powerful emotion of all. But hope is not always  enough. Hope will not save your relationship; but realizing that you should never get too comfortable will.
Yes, your  life partner should be someone who you can be your full and complete self with. Ideally, you have a relationship based on solid, raw, genuine communication and you accept each other for who you are and who you are becoming.
That is not the type of comfort I’m referring to.
Usually after a number of years (or sometimes months even), one or both parties get comfortable. The dinner dates stop. The surprise flowers sent “just because” are few and far between, if present at all. There aren’t any more “good morning” texts or phone calls to express that “I’m thinking about you.” The relationship goes from moments of elation to an all but dismissive routine. In some cases it feels like the one who tries to keep up with the initial practices and behaviors that brought you together in the first place is a nuisance.
Can I have your attention, Please!
Your “love” becomes more of an obligatory routine than a freely given practice that you look forward to. If you don’t hear from each other for the whole day, it’s no big deal. It’s as if you are living two separate lives, and see each other while you’re at home by default.
Desperate time sometimes call for drastic measure. All woman know what their partner's  love most about them is..... So why not test the theory that all men are visual creatures, this might just do the trick... but be careful that you are not making him wonder if this is  for him or someone else. We men need to feel  assured that all that we see is meant for us. Words like
"I tried to do the best I can for you... but  it seems like it's  just not enough?" this can upset the flow of positive energy in our brains. If you think what you have done is not enough, then we feel like you are at the point where you will stop trying. A wake up call can also  be alarming, as well as assuring... People only try to do their best when they career enough, to keep trying!

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