
You should try falling for the good guy for a change!

Alone in paradise is not what I envisioned for this yearend vacation!

Don’t let negative and toxic people rent space in your head.
They are squatter they don’t pay rent.
A squatter is very hard to get rid of. They are always the first to invade spaces that needs to be occupied by positive thoughts/emotions.
If I  asked you to name all the things that you love most, how long would it take for you to name yourself? But if I asked you to name the things you hate most, would you be able to identify all the squatters that have occupied your thoughts over too long a period of time.
OK, bad boys associations used to mean hot and heavy,
even great spicy relationships, of passion and intrigue, “50 shades of grey”,
has become 50 shades of shady”therefore not very exciting anymore!
The “bad-boys” like the Will Smith and Martin Laurence movies are not coming,
they are now replaced by squatters and you can’t get rid of them.
Just ask your girlfriends how many bad relationships they have had and compare them to your experiences over the last year or more,
you will see how things look on the horizon for the next upcoming decades unless something changes.
If I’m hitting a sour note here…. it’s intentional,
we are getting closer to the end of the year, and closer to the end of the decade,
less than a month to go, and then we are in the new year… one more year,
and it will be a new decade. New year’s resolutions will be first on your to-do list, Right?
But carry-overs are going to occupy space, like bad leftovers in your fridge.
I’ve always taken note of the many women in relationships with married men or men
who have no intention of committing to them?
Their News Year Eve is always Solo, they even love keeping company with other women in similar situations, misery loves company.
They are clustered together comparing notes…
of bad boy experiences that happen through the year.
That’s because they are not in relationships where they are their man’s main priority.
He might roll by on Jan 2nd of the new year to make sure his squatter's rights are still intact.
Let me ask the single women who are in relationships with guys who make excuses for not being with them on New Year's Eve.
Note: Men cheat with a ring on their finger and you think the bad- boyfriend
won’t cheat because you are his profile picture on his 2nd or 3rd Social media account?
Baby girl, you need a hug.  A Good old Bear hug to be exact! Not another selfie post!
Maybe this selfie with long hair 
might make him miss me!

It’s better to grieve now that for 365 days to the new decade.
You will experience grief when you remove the squatters.
Grief, after the initial shock of a breakup or a loss, comes on in waves.
When you’re driving alone in your car, while you’re doing the dishes,
while you’re getting ready for work….. And all of a sudden it hits you-how so very much you miss someone, and your breath catches,
and your tears flow and the sadness is so great that it’s physically painful.
Take this from someone who understands, this is called DETOX.
You will recover. However, if you don’t start by detoxing early,
you will become addicted to all the toxic people that you will attract.
So you thought you loved these toxic squatters. Try this test:
“Distance does to loving relationships what wind does to fire,
it extinguishes the weak and fuels the strong!”
Figure out what you don’t want and go for what you do want.
It sounds simple, but it’s not easy….. ask any drunk or Junky.

Final thoughts
I like quoting guys who are smart, and who have good habits.
“Eating organic food-- foods without harmful chemicals, toxins,
additives, preservatives, and carcinogens and adopting a plant-forward diet- is your best chance at
optimal health and wellness…..
Grown isn’t just a brand or concept, it’s a movement.”  

OK, Ray is talking about what you are eating. The same applies to your relationships.  
You should have that “Aha moment” that sparks your thought for better living,
have a diet of positive by simply reject Toxic negative squatters.
Have your own moment! . Start now!

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