
If you want to know how women think read a book written by one.

Women have multi-channels brains, unlike men who have mostly one-track minds. When Men see her we want what we see, or what we imagine we are not yet seeing due to the coverup. But we hope, once she is uncovered, she with will be as fine as we imagined.
Whereas women carry on a whole dialog in their brains when they like a guy. I have taken some time to read some e-books, here of late, all written by women. I was amazed at the thoughts that women have when they write… women writers are totally amazing they are downright insightful. Their imaginations are like runaway trains, maybe even like the information superhighway, that turns and twist along the tracks. But never derailing. I often wonder if what women are really thinking, but they can still keep a straight face and act like you are not even a point of interest. If only I could tap and use a Mr. Spark Vulcan mind probe and walk up to a lady of interest and say: ‘I know what you are thinking and just rattle off all her thoughts and all the detours she has taking from track to track. And watch her freak…. Can you hear the shrieking, like train wheel coming around the bend…. that would come out of her mouth if that would happen. The gasps the covering of the mouth… the  thoughts of “Holly Jesus, how could you let him read my mind, like that…!” Relax ladies, if only I could. Why do men have a one-track mind and women have multiple channels that are tied to emotions that can tell a story we guys might love to have the privilege of knowing. No more guessing no more doubting, a guy could walk up to her with confidence knowing she wants him too and that she has fantasized about things he has not even dreamed about, yet.

Why are you here bothering me, can’t you see I’m busy?
She is getting  a good work out beating the crap out of the heavy bag in the gym she is sweating up a storm. Is her agressive workout due to a breakup, or a cheating lover… what has her looking so furious. Dear a man approach her without knowing what is the caged rage  taking place on the heavy bag. Let/right combination to a side kick to the mi a front kick to area where it might hurt for days. Does a guy want to approach her with a smart A$$ remark. Like ‘Hello pretty lady, Keep your left glove up and protect your pretty face, most punches that land come from the right hand of your oponant, that can cause a
TKO come from the right hand hook or foot round house kick  to the head.’
Well if you dear  then be on your guard she might just test your defensive reflexes.

Or Try checking out the one in the Zumba class. Who is making sure you notice her. Her head tilted, skin up  saying in her mind “I’m tall can’t you see me?” Dude, wouldn’t you love to follow the tracks of her mind. The various twist and turn like a roller coaster ride at full speed up and down and crossways. Her mind is telling her “do something that will keep him looking at her. But don’t look too interested…. And don’t look desperate…. for attention play it cool, girl…. He will have to wait till the Zumba class is over to come and talk to you. More time to think on how to keep him interested and not to give up too much information.  Ooh wait, is he a regular at the gym…. If not then the game plan has to change.

Final thought

We men would love to be priviledged to women’s internal dialogs… but when she starts telling us  stuff with a solid flow of information….we want to turn it off the flow of information coming at us at warp speed, is just too much. We can’t hear every turn and twist because we can only process one track at a time. Hmmm the Created sure did make it complicated for us guys to mate with a thinking woman.  

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