
They loved each other, but!

They did love each other, but because they didn’t understand their partner’s primary needs their love wasn’t getting through to each other.
Many people give up when relationships become too difficult. Relationships become easier when we understand our partner’s primary needs. Without giving more of what the other person needs which is what is required we do not burn out. This understanding of the different kinds of love finally explains why our sincere loving attempts fail. To fulfill your partner, you need to learn how to give the love he or she primarily needs.
The key is to learn how to listen without getting angry.
The number one way a man can succeed in fulfilling a woman’s primary needs is through communication. The fact that communication is particularly important with Venetians, we men need to learn to communicate effectively. By learning to listen to a woman’s feelings, a man can effectively shower a woman with the care she wants, understanding, respect, devotion, validation, and reassurance.   One of the biggest problems men have with listening to women is that they become frustrated or angry because they forget that women are supposed to communicate differently than men do. There are ways to remember these differences and make some adjustment about what to do, to avoid getting frustrated.
How  to listen without getting Angry:
  • Remember your anger comes from not understanding her point of view, and this is never her fault
  • Remember that feelings don’t always make sense right away, but they’re still valid and need empathy.
  • Remember that anger may come from not knowing what to do to make things better. Even if she doesn’t immediately feel better, you listening and understanding are helping.
  • Remember you don’t have to agree to understand her point of view or to be appreciated as a good listener.
  • Remember you don’t fully have to understand her point of view to succeed in being a good listener.
  • Remember you are not responsible for how she feels. She may sound as though she is blaming you, but she really needs to be understood,
  • Remember that if she makes you really angry she is probably mistrusting you. Deep inside her is a scared little girl who is afraid of opening up and being hurt and who needs your kindness and compassion.
When a man can listen to a woman's feelings without getting angry and frustrated, he gives her a wonderful gift. He makes it safe for her to express herself. The more she feels heard and understood, and the more she is able to give a man the loving trust, acceptance, appreciation, admiration, approval, and encouragement that he needs.

Thank you for listening, that is all I need from you right now.

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