
So what’s the difference between just dating and Exclusive Dating?

So are we exclusive now?

When you are dating someone, it’s mostly fake in the beginning. It’s the getting-to-know-each-other phase where everything is perfect. You are perfect, she is perfect, everything is absolutely effing perfect. Then, the woman brings out her true side, and the guy brings out his I’m-not-going-to -romance-you-as-much-as-I-did-in-the beginning side. Eventually, things progress, and you think, ‘Oh, I know you have flaws, but I still like you, and although you have flaws. I want to keep this relationship going.’

Exclusive dating is the next step of the acceptance process, can you tolerate the things that you know you can live with and with out, but the "Condom" needs to be excluded from your relationships, once  you are exclusive. An exclusive relationship should just be one on one. The use of condoms … it also preventing the bond that is meant to be formed between two consenting adults, from forming.
When a man and a woman get together and have feeling for each other they need to feel each other in more ways than just superficial stuff. No monogamous relationship used a condom in the past, this is why relationships lasted much longer than they do these days. You need to be able to trust each other. If you can’t trust the person you are with then the two of you don’t need to be together. Get yourselves checked if you are scared that one of your past moment without a condom, with some else might come back and bight you on the rear-end. Women need to asked the question: “are you wearing a condom to protect me or you?” and wait until they have the answer, before decided to be in an exclusive relationship. Trust me,  fellas, you don’t want to be put in that situation. You need to be Trusted for things to work well between the two of you! She might have her reasons for using birth control, but they are not your reasons, so if you are questioning her about using the pill, then you need to ask yourself if you are ready to become parents. If she does not want to have a baby right now with you then she will use preventive methods, and as a man you need to understand where you stand with her and her priorities. However if you don’t trust her then you wearing a condom sends a strong message. “I don’t trust you” and “you can’t trust me!”

Final thoughts
Let’s explore how men and women should find peace together. The man and woman should be able to live together  in peace because they are able to respect their differences. The man who is in a monogamous relationship learned to respect that the woman needs to feel secure. Even if she didn’t have much reason for her not to trust him in the past, She should alter her thoughts once he has committed to an exclusive relationship with her. She should learn that by talking thing out she will learn more than putting him under the microscope. And questioning his every move.  A good man who feels accepted become very supportive. Many men and women are very judgmental.

Getting rid of the doubts can and  will change behaviors. and cause harmony.

All Of Me 

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