
Never Fish the wrong way!

Why do we keep  trying to catch fish that are swimming up stream with a rod and real... wouldn't it be smarter to use a net. Fish swimming up stream have no time to stop for a bight.....they are fighting to get where they want to go. The same logic should apply to looking for "Ms. Right"... who is busy climbing the corporate ladder.

 You can't catch her attention doing the things you would with women you meet in clubs weekend  after weekend. Smart hard working women are busy, they seldom slow down to notice the same old pickup lines. ... "Hey baby do you come  here often?"  she will respond with, " are you an executive in your corporation?", shooting you down instantly.... rod and reals do not work on these women.... and neither does a net.... she is doing stuff you would need a university degree to  understand.  OK THIS IS NOT A PUT DOWN, fellahs.

This a cry for you guys to UP your professional skills not your street game.
Many moons ago when I was attending  NYIT.... I dated a young lady who  got angry when I told her I was not going to go clubbing with her, because I had to study for my exams. She dropped me, even though I thought I was hot and was going places.......and my ariguence was     ' go and see if you will do better in a club filled with looser and huslers' well I graduated with a BS in computer science degree.. and promtly left NY  for Chicago and never looked back... not sure if she even finished college... sorry for her if she didn't.  so I can relate to the attitude of women who dont want to waste time with guys who are clueless. These days I see young women who are  graduating in record numbers... and just a few guys are also... so do you think you... with a GED will catch and hold her attention? Not likely! Get it back in balance women need men and men need women as equal patners. The next few generations will inherit what the BABYBOOMER have built... it's time that you understand that the World's  economy depends on you. Your dads and moms did their part. Now women are stepping UP their career paths and fellas they are leaving you, slackers, on the dusty roads of nothing doers.

Heed my warning, "Nothing from nothing grants NOTHING."

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