
Think of ways to enjoy your life together

 Ways to Improve Your Sex Life

Tips to how to make the most out of your love life
Get fit and be flexible!

Sex is one of the world’s greatest pleasures. The benefits are enormous
and it’s one of those activities that can be undoubtedly wonderful.
But it is also one of those
activities where when it’s good it’s good and when it’s bad it’s well …bad.
Here are three ways to improve your sex life.
1) Get out of your head.
Sex is quite physical, but it your mind is somewhere else, you won’t enjoy it no matter how good it is.
focus on being in the moment during lovemaking. 
Your mind and your body will thank you for it.
I have to get him out of my head during this massage
Or I might explode after a few touches.

2) Be open to physically and energetically connecting with your partner.
With you I'm born again!

Physical intimacy is an act of vulnerability,
and if you have problems opening up then your level of fulfillment would be very limiting.
Understand that the act is a transformation of energy.
Make sure you engage in it with someone who is worthy of your trust.
Let's play truth or dare!
3) Have fun.
Sex doesn’t have to be serious.
The best lovemaking sessions come when both (or more) parties are completely comfortable and able to be themselves.
Ditch the intense and serious sessions and loosen up a little and watch how your love life improves.
I told you dancing would
Change the mood.

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