
Live life like You mean to live it, can be fiction.

Life in the 21st century is like riding in a stationary cycle class, You work up a sweat but you pretty much stay the same place, your body mileage-meter adds up the mileage but You are just exhausted and that is about all you get out your efforts.

At the start of many romantic relationships… one does not have a clue as to where the relationship is heading, or where it will end up. Many folks have their own plans for their futures, while others don’t. Women (of the past) use to just hitch their wagon unto the guy they thought would lead them to a promised land. But things have changed for many women, where they are the creators and leaders of their own futures, so they are not always hitching their wagons… because many guys don’t even have a plan as to where they are going.
where is my road map this life stuff is confusing!

Here is a Real life example: I watched a young couple that lived across from my home in a small house the husband was allowed to live in after his dad died. He was a son of a once upon a time affair, not listed as an heir to the dad's estate, so his stepmom was ok with the housing arrangements because it did not interfere with her daughters’ inheritance. Dad made sure all of his daughter born in wedlock were properly taken care of even though some of them didn’t have the future goals he intended for them. One had built a large home with a swimming pool, on a hilltop lot he gave her, just before she got married but that marriage did not last. Not sure what the other daughters did with their lives. (this post is not about them)
The harmony and the dreams you share in the beginning often get derailed by life’s happenings after you commit!
But the outside son and his wife started off very humble with their plans until they had a daughter. Then suddenly the wife wanted more than he had to offer. She accused the husband of not having any ambition. The enhancement he made to make the little house when their daughter was born to make their living condition better... was no longer adequate. Ans she started hounding him, so he insisted that she get a job. She did, and all changed. She now had her own money and he had to spend his money on her and his daughter and maintain the household expenses. Her money was hers to do with as she chose. If he could not afford something she wanted he’d better work overtime or hustle up the money on weekends some how.. Or she would start an argument and storm out, and leave for a few days taking his daughter with her. Needless to say, that marriage ended in a divorce. Now his freedom from her is that he is on a long leash. She now tries to use his daughter to pull his chain…..
If you ask him how he is enjoying the single life.. And he grumbles an answer that you have to strain to hear his answer.   
The fact that he is not living the life that he meant to live is evident because he hardly
spends any time at home, his and her needs keep him hustling, 7 days a week.  

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