
Somethings just don't happen the way you plan them, Fellahs.

At this point in my life, I have gone from being a total optimist to being a total realist.
Say what you will, but  I’m not yet a pessimist… that might come later in phase III.
Talk to the back of my phone as I take this selfie, and capture your picture right after.
check your FB, as I just tagged you!

One of the most common mistakes we men make is asking for what we want using the incorrect wording, attitudes, and actions. If we are not aware of the growth that women have experienced in the last few decades. We will miss out on joining a good woman on her journey. Women of this 21st Century have Heighten Awareness. So what does that mean for us men…. The women of today don’t have to put up with the nonsense men were able to get away with in the past. I have taken note that most of the women I am currently friends with are not trying to find a man to hitch their wagons on to. They are doing fine on their own. Financially, emotionally and even spiritually.

So Fellahs if you are not bringing what they deem as extra benefits they don’t need you for their top three on their list. Yes, she may want you to service her needs, for the lack of the better term but she does not need for you to play games with her. She wants an honest relationship based on truth and frank discussions on Intentions. Let’s not kid ourselves.....those old tired lines of “YesterYear” will work no anymore. Social media is not your friend, dude. You had better change some of your posts. Your exploits are not impressing her.... they make her feel uncomfortable. You can't impress a New Schooled woman with your old habits...and your video of things that don’t impress her…. Because she is not in an Aware of your so-called accomplishment… she can check you out with one click.  A touch of her phone screen exposes your history, and most importantly your current status.  Not all women want to share a man with women other women they are not impressed with. If the other women look better than her. You are sunk If the other woman looks just as good and is just as educated as her, let me repeat, You are sunk
The misconception we men still have is that we are more in demand because of the shortage of good MEN. OK let me put it in perspectives you can understand. Women do not need you! They may still want a good man but, he has to be a good man with the attributes she is seeking. Not the Attributes she that will cause her stress…..
Go figure, we men don’t really want to deal with women who will cause us stress for too long. No matter how fine she is. So what makes you think that a modern-day woman would want a man who will tell her the things that she can’t verify…. Let’s me point out again. She does not need to hire a PI to get the lowdown on you. You are stupid if you are not aware that your GPS leads her to your ware about daily. If you are not doing what you say you are, then you have spoiled the soup. She will not entertain your deceptions.
Stupid. you were tagged in your other woman’s photo album on FB.
I received it in my stream so you can lie to me but I have the proof that you or dishonest.  

Heads up!

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