
When we don't understand each other.

The thoughts that float through our heads are not the same as the ones floating through our mate’s brain!
Just remember most of the times you have a difference of opinion. So start by agreeing
to disagree.

One way of solving problems is to understand things compassionately from both sides.
Men need to feel appreciated, by their women, while women need to feel supported.
Otherwise, the flu of resentfulness gets worse.
The key to avoiding resentment is for the woman to take responsibility.
She needs to take responsibility for having contributed to her problems by giving/doing more
(in her mind)  and letting the score get so uneven.
She needs to treat herself as if she has the flu or a cold and take a rest from giving
so much in the relationship.
She needs to pamper herself and allow her partner to take care of her more often.
This anti-resentment flu bath is just what the doctor would order ... I'm sure!

When a woman feels resentful, she usually will not give her partner a chance to be supportive,
or, if he tries, she will negate the value of what he has done
and give him another goose egg zero (0) points.
She closes the door to his support. By taking responsibility for giving too much,
she can give up blaming him for the problem and start a new scorecard.
She can give him another chance and, with her new understanding, improve the situation.

On the other side of the coin, when a man feels unappreciated, he stops giving support.
He can responsibly deal with the situation if he understands that it is hard for her
to give points for his support and appreciate him when she is annoyed and resentful.
He can release his own resentment by understanding that she needs to receive love and affection for a while before she can give him the same in return.
He can remember this as he attentively gives his love topping up her
Love tank with affection in little ways. For a while, he should not expect her to be as appreciative as he thinks he deserves and needs.
It helps if he takes responsibility for giving her the resentment flue
because he neglected to do the little things that she needs to re-enforce her love for him.
With this foresight, he can give without expecting much in return until she recovers from her
resentment flue.
Knowing that he can solve this problem will help him release his resentment as well.
If he continues giving love and affection,  puts her in focus on taking a rest from giving and focuses on receiving his support with love, the balance can be quickly restored.
Why is there so much distance between us!

Final thought.
A man rarely intends to take more and give less
(whatever the woman feels he is giving becomes a fact.)
Yet men are notorious for giving less in relationships.
Probably you have experienced this in your relationships.
Women commonly complain that their male partner starts out giving more loving
 and then gradually becomes passive (because he does not see the need)
Men also feel unfairly treated. In the beginning,
women are so appreciative and loving, and then they become resentful and demanding.
This story can be understood when we realize how men and women keep score differently.
Men think when they do big things we should be awarded a minimum 3 points whereas women award men 1 single point regardless of the size of the deed.

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