
Knowledge is the only way forward.

A “Y” chromosome has to survive unscathed in a nest of many “X” chromosomes, to be a good man, in relationships.
Men who understand the Chromosome differences have fewer problems with women. When a man knows that every female has (2) X chromosomes and a  man has a Y and X. Then you know why we are so different. Of course, it’s not that simple as a math equation, because personalities play a big role in how the sexes interact with each other. But once we know and acknowledge that the differences are just that  (2) “X” does not equal a “Y” and an “X.” we do not think alike, and we do not communicate the same.
You will have to admit that one of her X chromosomes came from her dad the other from her mom. And yours, as a man your “Y” came from your dad and the “X” from your mom.
Instinctively we men who think we understand women will want to either run away from love or increase our addictions. This the time to work on your feelings and communication skills and not run away. When deep feelings come up, we project our feelings onto our lovers. If we did not feel safe to express our feelings to our counterpart or a past partner, all of sudden we cannot get in touch with our feelings in the presence of our present partner, At this point, no matter how supportive she is, when you, as a  man, are with her you will not feel safe, to share with her, those feelings will be blocked.

Thanks, Dad for your "Y" chromosome

It is a paradox: because when you feel safe (vulnerable) with your present partner, your deepest fears have a chance to surface. When they surface you become afraid and are unable to share what you are feaking-out (internally) about. Your fears may even make you numb. When this happens the feelings that are coming up get stuck (in a bottleneck).
It’s a good thing that I have many female cousins older and younger than I that I can talk to when this kind of mess gets the best of me.  Had I not grown up around so many women I would be lost. My dad and uncle were not the best communicators.

They told you stuff by grunting, once for “yes” and twice for “No.” Not a whole lot of help. Well since my younger days I have found that I needed to not be like them. Well, maybe I should be just a little bit.
When a man sees how she hugs her dad, he knows she has a great relationship with him.
And has the potential to be a good wife!

Dad (if he is a good one) shows his daughters the kinda loving a man should give her, and Moms should teach their sons how to relate to women.


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